Chapter Eighteen

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Today is the day August leaves for tour. I've been helping him pack for the week he's told me. I'm not gonna see him for 6 months. God, give me the strength. "Aug.." I pouted. "You'll be aight ma. Ima miss you." "Ima miss youuuu." I sighed. "I'll call you every night. When I get back, you better be working since you didn't come with me cause you have to start working." "I will. I promise." "And no niggas." "You acting like a father. I know August. No bitches." I told him. He nodded. "I know ma. Don't worry." "Mhm." I kissed him. "Ok you gotta go." "I got five minutes ma." He said kissing my neck and climbing on top of me. I pulled his face up to mine and kissed his lips. God knows I wanted to give it to him right now, but if I do, we'll be at it forever. "Baby, we can't. You know if we start, you just gonna want more. You saw how you was last night and this morning." I looked at him as he sighed. "Six months Ima be without you. What Ima do?" I smiled and ran my fingers along his lips. "Beat ya meat." "How bout phone sex?" He suggested. I quickly shook my head. "Ew. I'll just stick to my vibrators or go celibate until you get back." He sighed. I pecked his lips a couple times. "You'll be fine baby. I'll come to a couple of your shows sometime." He nodded. "Ugh." He kissed my neck and grabbed my ass squeezing it tight. "Lemme get a good squeeze befo' I go." I chuckled and ran my fingers through his hair. "I love you." He said. "I love you too. You gotta go babe." He reluctantly let go of me. I walked with him out to the car waiting for him. After he put his things in the trunk, I kissed him sweetly. "Be safe babe." He rested his chin on my head then hugged me tight. "I really love you." "I know baby. Now go before you're late." He kissed my forehead then my lips before getting into the car. I watched the car drive off then walked into the house. I was already dressed, so I got my bag and left out. I had to get my nails did.
I walked into the nail shop to my regular nail lady, Nat "Hey Nat. I need a filling." She nodded. There was a lady next to me getting her nails done holding a magazine in her manicured hand. "That's a nice color." I told her. She turned around and I noticed 'she' was a he. "Thank you." He said looking at me then back at the magazine. "Chile, you in the magazine." I looked at him. "What?" "Is your name Jaelynn?" I nodded. "Girl, you in the magazine. Look." He showed me the magazine and sure enough, there I was. But the picture was old. The headline read, "SINGER AUGUST ALSINA IS A WOMANBEATER NOW." I read the article and it annoyed me. The story was that August had constantly been beating on me. They had a picture from the night when August slapped me but that was it. I sighed. "Thanks." "Don't let no man beat yo ass again girl. We too fab for allat." I looked at him. "He didn't beat my ass. I had that shit handled and this shit they're saying is not true. I would never stay with a nigga that constantly puts their hands on me." He nodded. "Well, I'm Lo." He said. Nat finished my fillings and I paid as Lo finished his nails. We walked out. "Call me girl. You seem like you'd need a little Lo in ya life." I laughed and gave Lo my number. "Don't worry girl. I'm strictly dickly boo." I laughed. "Ok. I'll text you." I got into my car then went home. When I got to my house, I turned on the tv where the news appeared. "This is Lisa Mcnab reporting live. Singer August Alsina has been arrested for beating on his girlfriend. The authorities claim Jaelynn, his girlfriend, is pressing charges for his domestic violence..." I cut the tv off then got in my car going to the station. I never pressed any charges on August. What are they talking about? I walked into the police station avoiding the cameras. I asked to see August and called my lawyer, who was there almost instantly. We both walked into a room where we saw August in handcuffs. I rushed to him. "Baby." He looked at me. "Jae what the fuck is going on?" "I don't know. We're getting you outta here tho." My lawyer was talking to the officers, who came into the room removing the handcuffs. "You're free to go Mr. Alsina." August stood up and I hugged him. "I'll tell you about it in the car." I told him before thanking my lawyer and grabbing his hand walking to my car. I looked at him as we sat in the car. "I don't even know where this shit cane from. They saying you abusing me or some shit then gon' say I pressed charges against you like what the fuck?" He shook his head. "This shit crazy." I drove him straight to the airport. "Why we here?" "You still got a tour to do August." He sighed. "I can start tomorrow." I shook my head. "No. You been waiting for this forever so go. Call T so he can meet you." He looked at me before kissing me. "Sometimes I think you care bout me more than you care bout yaself." I nodded in agreement. "I know but just dial the number." "I still think you should come with me." He added before dialing the number. I'm not gonna lie. I thought about it and it'd probably be the best for both of us, but I need to be independent and getting my own money. I still have bills to pay. Right now, I'm trusting August to do his best. But I will be at his first concert especially since it's on his brother's birthday, and I know how he gets. "I'll think about it." I told him as he hung up the phone with T. "We have to do a press conference before I go on tour to clear this drama. Ion even know where this shit coming from." "When is it?" "Today at 4." "We only have an hour to get ready Aug." I said driving back to his house. "I'll come pick you up in a hour. Yo ass betta be ready." He told me as he got out the car. I laughed and drove to my house to get some clothes. I took a bird bath an brushed my teeth before sliding on a simple white dress and books. My hair was straightened (in MM). I did some minor makeup, which was eyeliner and lipstick.I grabbed my bag as I saw a text from Aug saying he was outside. When I went outside, his driver had the door opened for me and I got in. Paparazzi were taking pictures and asking questions, which I simply ignored and got into the car. August was smiling at me. "You look beautiful ma." I smiled. "Thank you. You still ugly tho." He sucked his teeth and I kissed him to reassure him that I was playing.
When we got to the press conference, they were already ready for us. I took a deep breath as I got onto the stage holding August's hand taking a seat at one of the two seats designated for us. I held onto August's hand because I was nervous. I'd never did a press conference before. As soon as we sat, the people started yelling questions at us. "One at time." August said into the mic. They started raising their hands so August called on one lady. "Are the allegations true? Do you beat on Jaelynn?" I answered, "No, he does not. That picture was like a year and half ago and I did not let him hit me trust me. I hit back and let it be known that I wouldn't tolerate that." "Forreal yall she aint playing. She got man hands. And I aint a womanbeater. I wasn't ever raised to put my hands on women, but I had too much anger built up in me to even think straight. She already knows this but I apologize for putting my hands on you. I know better and I should've never disrespected you like that. It won't happen again." I nodded and smiled. Another reporter had his hand up. August called on him. "I noticed a ring on Jaelynn's finger. Is that an engagement ring? Do yall see marriage in the near future?" H spoke into the mic. "Well, that's not an engagement ring because we're both young right now and our lives are really just beginning. We're two very busy people. It's a promise ring meaning I promise to love her unconditionally and be good to her. When we get ourselves together, I'll marry her. I'm ready now, but we, as a couple, aren't. So yeah. Marriage is most definitely in the near future." I smiled because that was a surprise for me. August's manager motioned for us to come to her indicating that the press conference was over. We walked over to him. "Alright that was great. The tabloids should be clear by tomorrow." She was lightskin with a short blonde haircut, and looked very familiar. She was pregnant though. I kept trying to figure out where I knew her from the whole way to August's house. I thought hard until I finally realized she was the woman I saw leaving the hotel room and who Chaz cheated on me for. I feel bad not believing Chaz. He said they were having a business meeting and that was probably true since she is August's manager and he is August's producer, well was August's producer. But he said he had sex with her, but now she's pregnant. Oh god, Chaz is about to be a father too.
There was alot in this chapter. I'm doing Black Friday shopping. Yas, gotta get these sales and deals, ya feel me?

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