Chapter 1

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Y/N's Point of View

Cold wind caressed your bare legs as you waited for the gate to open. You regret wearing a dress (the length is below your knee), for the wind is blowing your skirt up. You roll your eyes and push the red button once again.

You're starting to feel a bit eerie. The only noise you can hear is the croaking of the frogs and some crickets, competiting each others high-pitched voice. The background is so solemn, and a bit creepy. The house is a bit isolated. No nearby neighbors can be seen.

The moon is providing you the slightest bit of light. Your head started imagining scary stuff, scaring you more. You shook your head, clearing away the thoughts you got from horror movies.

You're about to press the button when a middle-aged woman opened the gate. You immediately plastered a friendly smile, covering up your frightened look. She must be a beauty queen when she was young. You thought. She's pretty, despite of the wrinkles forming on her white-toned skin. Her pointed nose and cheekbones emphasizing her face, making her beautiful. Based on her outfit, it seems like she's going somewhere.

"I'm so sorry dear, you must be frightened here. This place does make me feel creepy." She smiles. "Come in dear. I apologize for not hearing the doorbell rang."

You shook your head. "I'm fine ma'am."

"Please, come in dear." She pulls the gate wide open, suggesting you to come in. You smiled and let yourself in, rather than standing outside the mansion, shivering like a stray cat.


"Please take care of our kookie. Don't leave him. Stay by his side, always. And lastly, don't let him do stupid things." Mrs. Jeon said, caressing your hand. It's surprising that her hand is so soft, despite of the wrinkles.

You smiled, assuring her. "Sure Mrs. Jeon. I will take care of your baby."

"Thanks, Y/N." Mr. Jeon said. "We trust in you."

That makes you feel honoured. Trusting a stranger like you is a bit of a challenge. It is risky, but they chose to trust in you. And that's the only thing you want to receive from them, their trust.

Then they left.

They seem like they're in a hurry. You even just applied this morning and voilà, they hired you. You desperately need a job, to pay off your tuition fees, since no one would. You're a working student. You've been working day and night to survive. But, that doesn't mean you abandoned your studies. That is actually your motivation to study harder and become a merit awardee.

Your parents got divorced, for they secretly have another family. They cheated on each other, and you find it gross. It hurts to your part. It seems like noone loves you. They don't love you, that's why they have another family. You thought to yourself. Before you become a burden, you chose to ran away from the house you once call home.

You walk towards the chair. You trace your finger on it. No dusts. Even though they don't have a made, their house is so clean. Unlike your apartment, full of garbage.

You sigh as you place your huge bag on the soft peach colored couch. You sat down on the couch as your eyes wandered upon the furnished mansion. The mansion is big and it is a bit surprising that there are only three person living in the enormous house. You thought that your apartment is just as small as a rat compared to the mansion.

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