Chapter 8

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Y/N's point of view

Jungkook hissed painfully as you applied cold compress on his forehead. The bluish spot on her forehead makes you sad and guilty.

"Aaaiish. Jungkook, what's gotten into you? You startled me earlier." You tsked. "Look, your forehead has a bruise already."

In response, he pouted and apologized.

Geez. It's my fault. Why am I scolding him? You thought.



You slowly turned your head towards the voice. You saw jungkook, wearing a black hoodie. All you can see is him since the background is white, which is super weird.

You scrunch your eyebrows. "N-Noona? You're still older than me Jungkook. The heck are you sayin'? Are you drunk?"

Instead of responding to your question, he took a step towards you, still glueing his eyes on you. "Y/N."

Feeling confused, you took a step backwards. But then, suddenly, you fall.

You opened your eyes, only to see the man in your dreams, Jungkook.

"Aaaahhhh!!!!" You screamed. You tried to stand up but your hand slipped on the couch.

You accidentally hit his forehead with your elbow.


End of the Flashback

You continued applying his forehead a cold compress gently. "I'm sorry. I-I'm so sorry. I just had a weird dream." You sighed and lowered the cold compress, allowing you to see his forehead. The bluish color somehow faded.

You two are actually sitting on the same bench where the accident happened. You're still mentally scolding your self for being so clumsy. But, your dream is still lingering in your mind. It's so frickin' weird and it has to sense at all.

"I-It's okay Noona." You cringed when you heard the word 'Noona'.

"Jungkook." You seriously stare at him, making him gulp. "Do not call me noona, 'kay? You're older than me for like 6 days. I mean, I saw your birth certificate."

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