Chapter 3

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Only the clanking noise can be heard as your plate and spoon hit each other as you eat. You can hear the ticking of the grandfather clock, literally. You can sence an awkward silence between you and him. You decided to break the silence.

"So, Jungkook..." You started. Your eyes widen when Jungkook suddenly chokes his food. The coughing sound from Jungkook echoed through out the kitchen. You immediately handed him a glass of water, caressing his back.

You observed that when you talk, it seems like he always flich. You also observed that he always avoid eye contact, which is a bit strange.

Is he that shy?

You clear your throat. "Jungkook, do you have a female babysitter before?"

"N-No." He stutters. You can see his adam apple move as he gulp. "I only have male babysitters before."

Oh. Maybe that's the reason why he is shy.

You suddenly stood up from your seat and placed your hands on the wooden table. "Introduce yourself."

You want him to be comfortable with you. You can't do your job properly if he is shy to you. You promised his parents that you will take care of him, properly, just like any babysitter will do. You're a woman with your words. You tend to do what you already said, no taking back.

"I-I need to go to the c-"

"No. You should introduce yourself. Right now." You said, with a bossy tone.

He sighs, surrendering his plan of escaping . "M-My name is Jeon J-Jungkook. 19 years old. I am studying at Apjeojeong Unive-"

"APJEOJEONG UNIVERSITY?!!" You cut him off, with wide eyes open.

He must be the one everyone is talking about! A handsome transferee that transfered last friday.

You were absent last Friday because of your asthma attack. But just in a short period of time, you recovered from asthma, allowing you to apply for being a babysitter. Your bestfriend is the one who told you about the transferee which turns out to be Jungkook. You're also surprised because you two are classmates. This is an advantage to you. Babysitting him will be easier since you two will have the same classroom.

"Why?" He snapped, clearing away your the thoughts that's lingering in your mind.

"We are classm-" the ringing of Jungkook's phone cut you off.

"E-Excuse me." Jungkook took his phone from his pocket. "Please don't make a noise." He added before answering the call.

You nod. He stood up from his seat, causing the chair produce a screeching sound as it scratches the floor. He start walking away from you and from the table. You quietly observe him from a distance. You still can't believe

"Yeoboseyo?" He placed the phone beside his right ear. "Oh, Namjoon hyung."

I should give him some privacy. You turn to your heals, turning towards the kitchen's exit. Before you could exit the kitchen, your gaze meet the cockroach on the peach-colored wall.

You hitch your breath, not moving a limb, fearing that the cockroach will fly towards you. You always have a fear at cockroaches. You hate them. But then suddenly...

"Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!" You let out a high-pitched scream when the coackroach fly towards you, landing on the top of your hair. "Heeelllp meeee!!!!" You scream as you jump up and down while messing your hair, trying to get rid of the cockroach. Heart beating pounding so hard that it feels like it will gonna jump out from your chest.

Jungkook immediately run towards you, leaving his phone on the table, and brushed his fingertips on your left shoulder, probably brushing off the cockroach. The cockroach fell on the floor then you stomp on it, with slipper on of course.

"Eeew. Gross." Jungkook squirms. "Shut up Jungkook. What do you expect me do to? Eat it?" You glare at him, making him look down. "Sorry." He apologized.

"Uhm, Jungkook. You didn't hang up your call." You pointed his phone on the table. "The call is still on going." You added. He lifted his head up, causing you to see his frightened reaction. Eyes wide open, slightly parting his lips. "What the heck." He cussed under his breath.

He walk towards the table. He picked up the phone, shivering from fear. "Hyung." He spoke. "No! No no no! There is no girl in my house at all. Hehe" Fake chuckle came out from his mouth. Why is he lying? Did he just deny the fact that I'm babysitting him? Nah, he must have some valid reasons. You thought. "No! Please don't! Hyung!!!"

He slowly place his phone on the table, shocked reaction on his face. It seems like he just saw a ghost, literally. "What happened?" You curiously asked. "They are coming." He nervously said then he sat down on the chair, staring at the empty space.

"What 'they'?"

"The hyungs." He said. "They heard your voice then they decided to come here to see if there really is a girl." He added then sighed.

"And? What's the problem if they see me. I'm just your babysitter Jungkook. You can't hide them the truth forever."

"You don't understand. They will tease me if they saw a girl with me. I mean, you have a boyfriend right? Won't you feel uncomfortable if they will ship you and me forever?"

You gulp. Kyungsoo will be mad if he heard about me and Jungkook. I don't want him to.

He seems to be serious of what he said. Hearing him talk for a couple of sentences is not usual. It must be serious. There's no sense of humor on his face.

Before you could open your mouth to speak, a honking sound of a car can be heard from outside the mansion.


Hi guys! I apologize for this super short chapter. But, the good news is... Namjoon, jin, yoongi, hoseok, jimin and taehyung will be introduced next chapter.

Also, sorry for updating late. Being a highschool student is super hard. But atleast I updated noh?

Love lots!

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