Chapter 2

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Y/ N's POV

You scream. Your high-pitched voice echoing through out jungkook's room. He looked at you with a surprised face and also screamed. He immediately covered his bare  private with his two hands. You two are both screaming at each other in his room.

" A GIRL??????!!" He yells, making you stop screaming. You furrowed your eyebrows. Do I look like a man to you?! You thought.

"AHH! A SEAGULL!" You yell, acting like you just saw a seagull. Yep, you're trying to make a good comeback after what he just yelled at you.

He stopped yelling and stared at you, still covering his crotch. "Did you just call me seagull?"

"Nope. I think you just heard it wrong." You said, cocking your head sidewards, making him feel annoyed. Your eyes landed upon the white towel on the small table, just at your right side. "Here." You took the soft white towel and threw it directly at him. "Get dressed."

You immediately went out from his room and directly ran towards your room. Clutching your chest, catching your breath as you leaned on the door inside your room. Your chest rising up and falling down. You smack yout head using your hand.

"Pabo! Pabo! Pabo! I shouldn't have let myself inside that man's room. I just broke my promise to myself... NEVER LOOK AT ANOTHER MAN'S BODY EXCEPT FOR KYUNGSOO'S!" You mentally scream inside your head.

Chun Kyungsoo is your boyfriend for 2 months from now. For you, he is your Mr. Right. You love him so much that you would never hesitate selling your soul to the devil for his sake. You gave him what he wants. You know he loves you too, you're sure.

I better call him.

You took your oppo phone from your pocket then typed his name on your phone. My Future Hubby💕💕💕. You press the call icon.

You waited for a couple of seconds before he finally answered the call.

[Kyungsoo: Hello? Who is this?]

(You: It's me Kyungsooooooo. Y/N!) You said in a childish voice, trying to be sweet to him. But, there's a bit disappointed feeling that you felt, it seems like he didn't save your number yet. But, that's okay, for you. You're trying to think positive, trying not to feel pain.

[Oh, Y/N. Would you please ca--- Kyungsoo,  come here!] You heard another voice, a girl's voice to be exact,  cut him off. It's more like Hana's voice, your boyfriend's bestfriend.

Your smile faded away.

[Just call later Y/N. I've got some important business to do.]

He hung up.

You force a smile on your face, but the tears are starting to dwell on your eyes. You immediately wiped of your tears.

Pabo. Why am I crying? He's probably with Hana because they have something important to doCrying can't solve anything.

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