Chapter 4

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You immediately ran behind the couch in the kitchen, hiding between the gap of the chouch and the wall, leaning against the cold wall behind your back. You felt like you're in an action movie, hiding from the criminals. You remember the movie 'Quiet Place'. Acting like an actress in the movie, you didn't make a noise.

You can hear the door forcely opened, causing you to hear a loud thud. They are here. You thought.

"Jungkook!" You hear a deep man's voice. "We are here, obviously." He added.

"Hyung Namjoon!" You can hear Jungkook's voice yelling from a distance.

"Ugh, I need to rest." Someone said. Then, you suddenly feel the couch jerk. Someone probably sat on the couch. Shoot!

"So, Kookie..." Then the chair jerks again. "Where is the girl?"

Your heart beats fast, pounding so hard that you can even hear your heart beating, literally. You anticipated for Jungkook's answer, hoping that he will not stutter a word, or else, his friends will find out he is lying.

Jungkook explained to you that if they ship someone to him, they are shipping you forever. And that means they are gonna tease you and Jungkook forever.

"Nope." He denied, making you smile because he didn't stutter. "There is no one here." He added.

"Then who yelled?" The another voice said. "We heard a girl's voice, kookie."

"Oh, it's just me! I actually saw a cockroach on the floor, which frightened me." He reasoned out.

"Yeah, Namjoon hyung. Why would Kookie bring a girl in his place? He feared them." Someone said. Jungkook feared girls? Literally? You thought.

Someone yawned. The couch jerks slightly then suddenly... Something hard hit your head. "Oouch!-" You immediately covered your mouth, realizing that you just make a noise.

"Ooops. My phone fell off from my grip. Hihi" Someone with deep voice said.

You turn your gaze beside your foot. A cellphone.  This must be the one that hit me earli- Oh snap! The owner might look for this! You really want to throw the phone, but you stopped yourself.

The couch shakes, causing your heart to beat faster. Your chance of being caught is like 100 percent.

You heard someone hitch his breath. You slowly looked up, only to see a man looking at you with a shocked face. You stared for a couple of seconds before both of you scream in unison.

"Taehyung! What's wrong?" You heard someone said.

"A- A- A girl!!!" He exclaims.

You bit your bottom lip and slowly rise up, displaying your face to them. You saw 6 new faces with the same reaction... shocked.

"H-Hi." You shyly greet them.


"Kookie! Our maknae! I can't believe you!" The one that is called Taehyung said, the one who hit your head with his stupid cellphone. You can't believe he dropped his phone accidentally since he has long fingers.

You are still standing between the wall and the couch while Jungkook is now sitting on the couch, looking down, feeling defeated. You feel sorry for him, and also for yourself.

"You woman." The tallest man said. "What is your purpose? Do you want to seduce our Kookie?! Like any other girls do?"

You scoff. "H-How dare you say such words? I don't want to seduce him. I am his babysitter!" You said, annoyingly. "Besides, I have a boyfriend already." You added, making the 6 men gasp, again.

"Too bad. I can't ship you and Kookie." The other one said.

"Yeah. We respect relationships." The other one agreed.

Your face lit up. "Really?! Thank you!" You smile. "I am Y/N, Jungkook's babysitter. I just started babysitting him yesterday, the day when his parents went to US" You introduced yourself first, trying to he friendly.

"Oh well, my name is Kim Namjoon." The tallest one said. He suddenly smiles, showing off his dimples. "What? Introduce yourselves to Y/N. Be friendly to Kookie's babysitter."

"My name is Kim Taehyung." The reason why they caught you said. His voice is so deep that you thought that there is a stone stuck in his throat.

"I am Min Yoongi." Said the other one with has the fairest skin among the other men. His eyes seemed to he close, but, he is actually looking at you. His eyes are so small. You thought.

"My name is Jung Ho Seok." The man said then walk towards you, shaking your hands. "It's nice to meet you." He said, smiling. "The feeling is mutual." You said as he shakes your hands.

"I'm Jimin, and this is Jin, the one with the broad shoulders. He can't talk right now, he's just astonished of what he just saw." The other dude said, just an inch shorter than Yoongi.

Meeting his friends is a pleasure. You're starting to know him more, which is your goal from the beginning. This is a big step to a better babysitter.

"Uuhhmm, May I ask a question?" You ask them.

"Sure." Namjoon said, ready to answer your question.

"Why are you all overacting when you saw me? I mean, you all shouted 'A girl!'. What do you mean by that?" You ask curiously.

"Oh, you didn't know yet." Namjoon slightly nodding his head.  "He has gynophobia."

"A gyno what?"

"A gynophobia means he has a phobia to girls. He fears girls."

Your jaw literally drops. "What?!!" You exclaim. "Is there such a thing? Wait, wait, wait, does he also fear his own mother?!"

"A little." Namjoon said. "We don't even have a clue why his parents choose a female babysitter this time. His parents usually choose male babysitters, but they ended up quitting their jobs."

"Yeah. Kookie wants to do pranks." Taehyung snapped.

You shifted your gaze to Jungkook, which is pursing his lips together, twisting his fingers. Busted. You thought.

"Oh, did you know Y/N?" The one called Jimin said. "You're the only not blood-related girl that took a step inside Kookie's house."

"R-Really?" You stutters.

"Ooooohhh. This must be destiny." Hoseok said, playfully wigling his eyebrows.

So, there they are! Haha.

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