Chapter 5

150 29 26

Y/N's Point of View

Rrriiiiiinnngggg Riiiinnnggg

The sound of your alarm clock woke you up. You let out a soft groan before you sat up on the soft bed. You rubbed your eyes using the heel of your palms, allowing you to see the peach colored room.

Yesterday was remarkable! You thought. A smile curved on your lips as you were reminiscing the moments that happened yesterday.

You can still remember Hoseok being slapped on the head by Namjoon, scolding him for not respecting your relationship with your boyfriend. You can even remember playing Jungkook's Nintendo, doing challenges like whistling after drinking fresh lemonade without sugar, watching scary movies without screaming, and many more.

You stood up and went outside your room. Today is Monday and that means school... which is a bit exciting for you. You can finally meet your boyfriend, Kyungsoo, which make Mondays special.

While you were still walking to the kitchen, you can smell cooked eggs, burnt ones!. Is Jungkook cooking by himself?!  You immediately ran towards the kitchen and you saw him, trying his best cooking the eggs which turn a bit brownish.

You don't know if you're gonna feel guilty for letting him cook his own food, which you didn't even commanded him to, or laugh because of his position right now. He is trying his best dodging the hot splashing oil from the frying pan.

"Good morning Kookie, let me handle that for you." You greeted him, causing him to flinch and turn his head towards your direction. "G-Good morning too, Y/N." He managed to greet you back.

You walk towards him and took the spatula from his hot hands, literally. [A/N: Hot from cooking duh. Hah lol.] You took a glance at the food he cooked. You felt bad at the tortured egg. It also seems like a kid has been playing with the egg. The egg turned brownish and some white yolk scattered upon the non-sticking frying pan.

You took the oppressed egg and placed it on a platelet. You took another egg and wash it with water. Before cracking egg, you look at Jungkook, twisting his pointer and middle finger together. "Jungkook, don't do this again, understood?" You said, making him nod. "You should ask for help if you don't know what to do, okay?" You added.

"Okay." He softly said, looking down.

You sigh. You took his hand and you can feel him hitched his breath.

He really does have gynophobia. I should help him overcome it.

Fortunately, there are no burns on his hands but you can feel his hands shaking. You thought of his gynophobia again, worrying how to help him. You sigh. Overcoming fear is not an easy task to do.


"Good morning, Miss Choi." The students including you and Jungkook, greet the teacher. The teacher then place her books on the sturdy table infront of the class.

"Good morning too class. So today, you will be grouped into 2s for your activity for today." The teacher said, causing the students to scream triumphantly.

This will be the chance to help Jungkook!

Except you, meeting new girls will help him.

"You can pick whoever you want for this activity." The teacher adds up. "Now, I will give you 5 minutes to find a partner before starting the activity."

After that, the classroom totally becomes a chaotic place, more chaotic than the wet market. Chairs screeching as students stood up, walking towards their friends. The classroom becomes so noisy, audible whispers can be heard.

You shift your gaze towards Jungkook. He is looking nervously at the girls surrounding his seat. You silently chuckle. He is like a little kid lost in a crowded market. Too young, too innocent.

He suddenly met your gaze, then gulped. You can see his adam's apple bobbing up and down, which makes him a lot more handsome than his usual self.

He stood up, never leaving your gaze. He ignored the girls surrounding him and walk towards you. "Uhm, Y/N, l-let's be partners?" He stuttered. "They are scaring the heck out of me." He added.

"Nope." You refused. "You should meet new girls! New friends. You see, this can also help you, Jungkook. You can't hide from girls forever. Especially with that face." You raised an eyebrow, titling your head sidewards.

He frowns.

"But, I will help you find a girl to be your partner." You added, making his face lit up. "Min Soo Yo would be nice. She is the friendliest girl here. You should meet her."

"Fine." He snapped. "Where is she?"

"Right..." You scanned for that girl then your eyes landed on a fair-skinned girl with short hair. Her eyes are so small, just like Yoongi's. "There!!"


The class smoothly ended. The activity was quite hard, but you still got a perfect score for doing your best. You have a scholarship and you don't want it to become a waste.

"So, Jungkook." You started, as alaways. "How's Soo Yoo? She's pretty right?"

"I don't know." He said before drinking a glass of pineapple juice. "She is friendly. Really friendly, in a bad way."

You chuckled. "A bad way? Is there such thing as 'friendly in a bad way?'"

He sighed. "Yeah. She keeps talking and treating me like an old friend of hers. She still scares me though."

"Oh, Jungkook. Your development is quite fast! You didn't stutter at all." You smiles triumphantly, knowing he didn't stutter at all.

"Thanks." His lips curved a shy smile before looking somewhere else.

Your eyes scanned for Kyungsoo's face, hoping he would join you for lunch. He once does, just, the first month of your relationship. But, after one month, it's like he hesitates calling you his girlfriend when you two are outside.

Speaking of which, you saw him laughing with someone...  Hana.

"Uhm, Jungkook, I'm gonna leave you here, okay?" You said before standing up and approaching Kyungsoo.

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