Chapter 9

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[A/N: Hi! This chapter contains kidnapping stuff. But, I'm gonna place some warning signs if you don't want to read those stuff.

Buuuuuut this scene is very mild. No actions are described here. It's your choice to read or not. ]

Jungkook's POV


Stop here if you don't wanna read kidnapping stuff.

Jungkook woke up from the putrid smell filling up his noise. His vision is still hazy but he managed to let himself sit down. He can hear the clanking noise of the chains surrounding his wrists, refraining him to stand up.

He's been kidnapped.

He can remember a middle-aged woman forcing him to get inside the white van. He's been drugged to doze off.

He scrunched his noise. The room is dirty and it seems to be an old warehouse. The wall is unfurnished and some moses are visible, causing the wall to appear a bit green and dirty.

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