Chapter: 7

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Y/N's Point Of View

"Eun Woo, thanks for accompanying me." You smiled. "Goodbye!"

"I really hope that you'll reconcile with your parents. I don't like you sleeping in the same roof with that Jung-Jung... Uhm, Jungwon." He sneered. "I just have this bad feeling about that man."

You chuckled while playfully hitting his biceps. "His name is Jungkook. Jeon.Jung.Kook." You said, emphasizing each word. "Well, I assure you that nothing will happen between us."

He groaned. "Why do they have to hire  a babysitter for that Jungkook? I mean, he can handle himself." He tsked.

You rolled your eyes. "Why are you worrying? It's not like he can do anything to me either." You frown from the thought in your head. "How I wish your brother reacts like you."

"Like if he would." He mumbled. "He's always there for Hana."

You frown. There's a sudden pang in yout chest, which made your heart hurt. It true though, it's true that Kyungsoo and Hana can't be separated from each other.

Well, that's just what we call friendship, right?

"Aiigoo, Hana and Kyungsoo are inseparable, you know. Real friendship lasts forever." You bitterly smiled.

"Stop being so dumb! Your positivity is way too far!" He angrily exclaimed. He looked away, allowing you to see his clenching jaw. "You're too dumb not to realize. Ugh!"

He grabbed his hair and groaned. "I can't believe this is the Y/N I used to know." He scoffed

He turned around and start walking towards another direction, leaving you dumbfounded. What is wrong with him?

You just shrug your thoughts off and opened the gate. You just can't understand Eun Woo's behavior. Him, being that angry to you is astonishing. It was the first time you saw him being like that.

As soon as you arrived inside the mansion, you sighed. It seems like Jungkook is not yet here. You shook your head and placed your bag onto the fluffy couch.

How I hate this day. This day sucks. You thought while lying horizontally on the couch, drifting yourself to sleep. Your eyes are a bit weary and your body is sore from walking by quite a distance.

You yawned while stretching your tired body.

Riingg!! Rriiinngg!!!

You jerked when you heard the sudden noise of your phone. You took your phone from the table and immediately placed it beside your ear.

(You: Hello?) You can hear an upbeat music from the phone. It seems like the caller is in a party or something. Feeling confused, you looked at the caller's number, to know who that person really is.

Oh well. It's none other than Kim Taehyung, the disrespectful brat.

(Taehyung. Why are you-)

[Y/N.]You narrowed your eyebrows when you realized that it is not Taehyung's voice. Maybe, jungkook's?

(Hey, Jungkook, is that you?) You asked. (Stop messing around.)

[I-I need you to...] His voice is somehow muffled by the loud noise. [...Kyungsoo.]

You swear you heard the word Kyungsoo from the phone. (Kyungsoo? Jungkook, are you with Kyungsoo right now?)

[Uhm, eer... I-I mean-] He sighed. [Never mind.]

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