Chapter 6

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" Y/N, would you please answer my assignments?" Kyungsoo asks while placing his notebooks and books on the table.

"I can teach you tho-"

"I said, answer my assignments, I didn't ask you to teach me. If you don't want to, I will ask Hana instead." He cuts you off. "Just answer yes or no. Do you want to answer my assignments?"

"Y-Yes. I will but I will teach you after-"

"SHUT THE HECK UP!" He screamed, his voice echoing through out the canteen, making people look at your direction. You fliched when he does that, it's not the first time he yelled at you though.

You just want him to learn something from his assignments. You don't want him to be absent-minded during his class. You just wanted to help him, but it seems like he doesn't understand that.

"Useless, tss." He murmured under his breath and took his stuff on the table. He left you.

You let out a deep sigh and shrug. Frowning, you rested your head on the table. I made Kyungsoo mad again. I shouldn't have done that.

"Hey, Y/N." Someone said, snapping you away from your thoughts. The voice was somehow familiar. You raised your head up, allowing you to see someone... Eun Woo. "Care if I join you?"

"Heeey." You forced a smile. "Sure."

You transfered your food at the left side to give him space.  He placed his tray with foods on the table and sat down in front of you. "I'm so sorry. My brother does that again." He said with an apologetic look.

"It's okay. Misunderstanding is normal in relationships. We make mistakes"

"But he does that over and over again. I can't say that's a mistake. He should learn from his own mistakes."

You sighed. "Eun woo, why do you hate your twin brother so much?" You smiled then tapped his left cheek lightly. "Why don't you find for a girlfriend? So you can relate what's happening in a relationship."

"She's with someone right now."

"Ooow." You pouted a bit, forming a letter 'o'. "She's a lucky person, Eunwoo. She's lucky that someone like you likes her."

"Nope." He frowns. "She's unlucky. She likes someone that doesn't like her back. It's just that, she doesn't noticed it."

"She's still lucky though." You snapped.


"Atleast someone cares for her."

Before he could mutter a word, your phone rings. You immediately dug your hand into your pocket, fumbling for your phone. When you finally get a hold of it using your fingers, you placed it beside your ear, not bothering to look at the caller.

(Hello?) You asked.

(Hello, Y/N. This is TaeTae, jungkook's chingu. We are going somewhere, without you. We already told Jungkook's mom about it. Bye!"

Then he hung up the phone. He didn't let you speak a word. You rolled your eyes and placed your phone on the table.

"Eun Woo, would you accompany me going to ****(Jungkook's house)?"

"Sure." Then he smiled, eyes stretching from each side, making him cute.


The class ended smoothly. You took a glance at your wristwatch and it turns out that the time is 5:20 pm. You sighed, wondering where Eun Woo is.

"Y/N!!!" Eun Woo's voice can be heard. You turned your head towards the voice's direction and you saw Eun Woo running towards you.

You chuckled as he ran towards you. You can sense deja vu. Memories flashed back to your head as you are staring at him. You two are childhood friends. You even consider him as your bestfriend.

You two spent time together with his brother. That's the time your feelings for Kyungsoo developed.

"H-Hey." He panted. He bends while catching his breath. Placing his hands on his knees, his chest raised up and down.

"You know, it's wrong to keep a gorgeous lady like me waiting." You said, placing your hands on your hips.

He chuckled. "I'm quite  glad you're back to your usual self."

"I'm just tired okay?" You rolled your eyes. A smirk appeared on your lips when you remembered something. "Cheetah, 1..."

He smirks when he heard that phrase. "2..."

"3..." You continued. "Go."

You and him ran as fast as you could, racing towards the school gate. Then, a memory flashed back.

"Eun Woo." A seven year old Y/N is patting on Eun Woo's back, trying to sooth his feeling. "It's okay."

"B-But, t-they call me f-fat!" He said between his sobs. "... and ugly!" He added, making you frown.

"What's the name of that bad person?" Your cute voice asked.

"Kyang Joon. Lee Kyang Joon." He wiped his tears using his polo's collar.

"I'm gonna kill him." You said, clenching your fists.

"I won! Little snail, you lose." Eun Woo suddenly said, snapping you away from your thoughts. "For I am the mighty cheetah, you shooouuuld?..." He prolonged the word 'should', waiting for your response.  

"Follow the mighty orders from the mighty cheetah." You said, nonchalantly. You slightly bowed your head. "Oh haaaaail miiiiighty cheeeeeetah."

He laughed. He laughed so hard that he placed his hands on his stomach, bending from laughter. "I can't believe I finally beat you!"

"I did it on purpose."

"No you didn't." His smile faded away.

"I did."


Another short chapter indeeeeeeed.

Anothah charactah (trying to speak in british accent. Lol). Introducing...

Eun Woo!!! Wwooot wooot! *confetti falling from the sky*

Wondering who Eun Woo is? Well, Eun Woo is from a korean boy group called Astro. His face is in the multimedia section.

Also, I apologize for updating so freakin' late. I'm Sorry from the deepest part of my kokoro(japan=heart).


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