Chapter 11

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You're in front of the restaurant Jungkook said in the phone. You don't know why but you feel nervous or anxious. You shook your head, clearing away your thoughts.

Cold air hit your face as soon as you open the air conditioned restaurant. Fortunately, you're wearing a jacket and a denim pants which are refraining the cold wind from making you feel cold.

You scanned the restaurant, which is surprisingly crowded by couples.

Oh, Jungkook might want my help. He might be dating someone here.

You tried to find Jungkook's face amongst the crowds. But, you didn't see his appearance in the restaurant.

"Geez, where the hell is he?" You mumbled while searching Jungkook's feature in the restaurant.  You carefully observe the people in the restaurant one by one.

Then, your gaze accidentally fixed on someone. Someone... unexpected.

"K-Kyungsoo?" You mumbled while furrowing your brows. You took a step towards him. Or maybe, them.

You saw Kyungsoo laughing with a girl. That girl with short blond hair looks so familiar to you.

Wait, that's Hani! Hana's sister!

In a manner of fact, Hani and Hana are twins. Unlike Kyungsoo and Eun Woo, Hani and Hana share the exact same feature. Maybe except for their hair. Hana has a long blond hair while Hani has short blond hair.

You shifted your gaze to Kyungsoo. You didn't see that smile curved on his lips for ages. He smiled, laughed, and giggled in front of the girl, which made your heart hurt.

Nah. They must be talking about something special.

"Kyung-" You halted.

Kyungsoo leaned towards Hani, tucking a strand of her blond hair beside her ear. It seems like he'll gonna kiss her.

Your heart is pounding so hard on your chest as you anticipate Kyungsoo's action. You bit your bottom lip and tears are forming at the side of your eyes.

K-Kyungsoo. Please don't.

He cupped her face with his smooth hands, making your legs tremble with fear.

You bit your bottom lip. No. This is just a dream! This is just a dream!  

Beads of tears are cascading down your  cheeks as you stare them attack each others mouth. Your heart feels like it's been stabbed by a dull knife, which hurts a lot. Legs trembling as you stare at them. Your vision becomes a but hazy, and the surrounding start to spin around.

You ran outside.

You saw the depravity of your boyfriend in front of you. Even if you already have a boyfriend, you didn't have your legendary 'first kiss' yet. And now, it seems like your mouth will become a virgin forever.

Droplets of water starts to hit your skin. It looks like the sky feels the same way as you. It started with a drop, until it becomes to rain hard. The rain starts to soak your sleeve as you stood under the rain.

You sorrowfully sobbed. You feel sad, broken, hurt, and betrayed at the same time. Questions are lingering in your head as your head repeatedly flashed back the scene in your mind.   Why? I gave him everything he wants. Am I not enough? I love him, he should love me too, right?

All of a sudden, the rain seems to stop hitting your skin."Y-Y/N. I'm sorry. I-I shouldn't have called you here." Jungkook's voice said. "I-It's my fault you're crying right now."

You turned your head towards his direction, only to see him covering you with an umbrella. "T-Thank you for telling me." You sobbed sorrowfully on his shoulder.

You feel a bit dozy since you took sleeping pills before you sleep. It seems like the effect doesn't fade away yet. Your eyelids become heavy, and your legs become weak. You're dozing off.

"Jungkook, don't let go of me." You said before everything turned black.


Your eyes flutter open as you heard a mumbling noise around you. You repeatedly blinked your eyes whilst adjusting to the light. Your gaze met the  periwinkle-colored ceiling above you, which is definitely not your room.

Where am I?

You lifted yourself up into a sitting position using your elbows. Your eyes scanned upon the room you're in. It's spacious and clean. There's no doubt that you're in a hospital.

You frowned. You probably didn't notice it earlier but tears are rolling down your cheeks. It's impossible you can't feel being hurt. You love him so much more than yourself.

You're devastated... and broken. It felt like the hideous world colapsed on you. You kept wiping off your tears, but, to no avail. You can't keep yourself from crying.

All of the sudden, the door opened, allowing you to see him, Jungkook. "Y/N. You're awake." He walk towards you while holding a paperbag filled with something.

You immediately wiped your tears, but your sobs are still audible. "H-Hi."

"Y/N." He pouted as he placed the paperbags on the table. "Don't cry. I know you're a strong woman. Don't let yourself be vulnerable to someone that doesn't deserves you. You're kind, sweet, and jolly. Please don't be sad because of that jerk."

"B-But, *sob*I can't help myself." You sniffed. "I love him."

"He doesn't deserve to be loved by someone like you." He clenched his jaw. "He's a jerk."

This is the first time you saw Jungkook mad. It seems like you two are becoming close. It's been a week though, he's progressing a lot.

"Thank you." You finally smiled. "Thank you for telling me about him."

His angered expression softened. He smiled.

But, little did you know, this is just the start of the pain that you'll feel.

Geez. This book becomes more trashy than I thought it would be. Haha. But, I decided to continue writing it anyway.

By the way, 'Strong woman Bong Soon' is awesome! I really love park hyung sik there.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2018 ⏰

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