Chapter 2

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2 years later.

It's been two years since I left. I talk to mom and dad at lest once a month. It would be more but mom tends to nag because I'm not home yet. She wants her little boy home. Blah blah blah. Not yet. I'm just not ready. I'm not ready to face that bitch yet. No I'm not scared of her or heartbroken. Nothing like that. I just don't really care to I guess. Hey she rejected me. Not the other way around.

Actually I'm fine with it. To be honest I don't see how the wolf spirits put me with her. Britney is your everyday bitch. Okay no she's not. She's worse. She was dating the star quarterback, the head cheerleader, Miss popular, Miss I'll step on anybody who gets in my way. I only care about myself. I'm better than you. My looks, what I own, what I wear is more important than anything. Money, looks, popularity, status, what she owned, who looks better on her arm, how beautiful her friends are, what she wears is more important to her than anything. She's cruel, heartless. Yeah so her rejecting me hurt sure but it wasn't a heartbreaking event. Because truth be told I don't want her.

I want someone nice caring. You know someone who care about other people as much as she cares about herself. Someone who can take a joke. Laugh at herself as well as someone else. Someone's who cares less about the latest fashion magazine. Someone who doesn't care what kind of clothes she wears. You know the good girl with some bad mixed in. Yeah I want her. I want my miss perfect.

Brittany's reasoning for rejecting me. Was because I wasn't alpha material in her eyes. I wasn't the star quarterback, the perfect face, Mr popular. I was but not for my athletic abilities. Sure I can play all them sports but back then I didn't. Alpha duties called and I didn't want too. I was a skinny kid, the straight A's student.

"Yo Micah!" Jayden yells from down the hall. I turn around and give him a short nod. "Practice." I nod again and resume walking. Couldn't he just catch up with me. I can't really complain. He's my alpha and helped me a lot. Shhh don't tell my mom I'm not an alpha. She might cut my balls off.

That's one reason why I left. She was so proud of her 'baby boy' becoming alpha that she pretty much crammed it down my throat. I just wanted to be a teen. I know she's proud, dads proud, I'm proud. I love the idea of becoming alpha but I just wanted to be a teen until its time. You know?

Yeah miss all high and mighty can kiss my ass. When I decide to go back home she'll be eating her words. Now I am the star quarterback, Mr popular, straight A student. I have girls after me, crying to get to me. To be honest I'm not interested. Sure I've messed around but nothing serious. I didn't play football to show up Brittany.

Jayden and I did it as a joke slash bet and some how landed up on the team. Been playing it since. Okay let me tell you. First off our school sucks at sports. No matter what it was. We sucked. Well one day when try outs for football was going on. My boys and I were bored. So they bet me and Jayden a hundred buck that we wouldn't go on the field and wastes the coaches time. So we did. We sighed up for tryouts. We got on the field and screwed it up in so many ways to this day we don't know how we made the team.

We would trip over our own feet, we would trip other players, if the ball was coming towards us we would run in the opposite direction, if we got the ball we would run towards the others end zone, we would run on the field like we were lost. Yeah hilarious. My boys we on the bleachers rolling on the ground laughing their asses off. We knew how to play we just didn't want on the team but here we are. We did that Sophomore year. Been on the team since. Don't ask me how.

Now we kick ass in football. Sure we lose games here and there but our team isn't as bad as it was. Once we made the team we showed our coach our true colors. He was impressed. Pissed but impressed. I'm not saying the team got better because of us. I'm just saying with a lot of practice and with our help they got better.

As I'm walking down the hall in my own little world a nice big door gets gently pushed in my face. Note the sarcasm. It was more like BAM. Slammed into my face.

"Fuck." I groan. "My nose." I whine holding bending down. Basically throwing a fit. Then I see the blood. "God damn! Why don't you watch where the fu...." I stop myself when look up.



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