Chapter 28

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I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad. Sure I wanted to wait but I'm not mad or anything about it. If anything I'm excited as hell. I'm getting married and having a baby with my beautiful mate.

"When do you want to tell our friends?" Trini ask as we walk into school hand in hand.

"Now if you want." she nods. When we get to her locker Cassie and Heather are already waiting there like always.

'guy' I call the boys. They came back with yeahs or what's up. 'can you come to Trini's locker' the come back with on my ways. When they show up.

"So what up?" Cassie ask waiting patiently.

"Well how do you guys feel about becoming aunts and uncles?" Trini ask them. Everyone looks around shocked.

Then they start cheering. Making so much noise in the hall mom comes out smiling knowing what's going on.

"Really?!" Cassie ask excitedly.

"I'm gonna be a uncle?" Jayden ask.

"Yep." I chirp.

"Congratulations." Tatum says slapping my back.

"Thanks man." I say smiling.

"And?" Trini says sticking out her hand.

"No way!" Heather says excitedly.

"Who's your maid of honor?" Cassie ask excitedly.

"Umm well...." she says stopping herself. I feel her turmoil. There's no way she can chose between the two. Then a idea pops into her head. You could actually see the light bulb come on. "I'm not having one." she finishes.

"What?!" Cassie and Heather both yell.

"Well since both of you are my best friends. I can't chose between you two. So I'm not going to have one but face it both of you are going to be helping me plan the wedding anyway right? So why not just have bridesmaids?"

"Okay when's the wedding?" Heather ask.

"Umm well we haven't gotten that far head." she says looking at me. I just shrug.

"You want to be married before or after the baby is born? I don't care really but the sooner." I say pulling her to me. "The better." I finish.

"Before." she says.

"Good choice." I whisper against her lips.

"Your pregnant!" Cassie yells suddenly hugging Trini. Just out of the blue.

"Whore." some girl sneers walking past us. Cassie lets go of Trini walks to the girl turns her around slams her to the locker by her throat. "No one and I mean no one talk about my best friend that way." she snarls. "Everyone knows that she's not a whore. She's had one boyfriend her entire life. So what she's pregnant. They love each other. Something you would know or understand and their getting married. So if anyone is the whore it's you. Everyone knows that you've screwed every guy in this school aside from my guy friends. So mouth off about her one more time. I will cut you into tiny little piece. Got me bitch?" woah.

All of us stand there shocked. Cassie is not the one to go off on people. Yeah sure gets mouthy but violent? No.

"" the girl gasp out turning blue.

"Now apologize." she growls. Another human. Why do they always want to cause trouble? I wanted to laugh because if Cassie would look she would see the girl breath much less say sorry. I know I shouldn't laugh but come on its funny.

"" she gasp. The Cassie drops her on the ground and comes back to us like nothing happen. "So before the baby is born. We got work to do. How far along are you?" we just stare at her in shock. "What?" she snaps. I couldn't hold it in anymore I started laughing hard.

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