Chapter 19

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Trini's POV

My head is pounding. What the heck? I slowly open my eyes and look around. My eyes land up on a person I'd never thought I'd see again. I knew I've been kidnapped. One I was putting my books into the car then boom. Something or someone hit my head. My guess someone hit me in the head. Not hard to figure out. Two I wake up to her ugly mug. No nightmare can be that bad.

"Ah I see you awake?" Brittany says. I groan loudly.

"What do you want?"

"A little payback, to see a pack fall." I move my hands and noticed they are tired. What the hell? I roll my eyes. Cliche much?

"Yeah and how do you suppose to do that?"

"Kidnapping you?"

"And what's that going to prove. If you remember correctly I'm not even in that pack and if your talking about my fathers pack your sadly mistaken. So kidnapping me was just a waste of time"

"Please I don't want your dads puny pack. When I'm female alpha I'll just run the runts out of town." I snicker PUNY RUNTS. Oh the things she doesn't know. "You think I don't know how my mate looked at you? Kidnapping you was a genius idea." I laugh shaking my head.

"What happen to your mate using me for a bet? Kidnapping me was your BIGGEST mistake." she shrugs.

"I was hoping I could plant doubt in your head hoping you'd run in the other direction then Micah would take me back. Then I could over throw him. You know find a better mate. Have him challenge Micah, kill him, then we could rule the pack turn them into real worriars." she says pounding her chest. Okay. Can you say nut job? "None of this pansy bullshit that Arianna turned it into. The way it was before. We took no shit left no prisoners." pounding her chest again. I don't know about you but I find this hilarious. Come on only people in movies pull that kinda crap.

"Where you even around then?" I think not. She's just an after thought after her daddies condom broke.

"No but my friends aunt was." she snickers.

Whatever. I really think she lost it. You know now would be a good time to have that pack connection or even mate connection. Oh how nice that would be.

"What are you going to do with me and why kidnap me of all people?"

"To show them how weak their pack is."

"So you kidnap their weakest link? The human? Your are a dumbass. Seriously if you wanted to show them how weak their pack is for fuck sakes! Kidnap their best fighter. Not the human pet."

"See that's where your wrong. Your not just the human anymore are you? Your going to become Micah's mate. Right?" yeah. But I'm not telling her that.

"Umm nope sorry to bust your little bubble. But were just friends. I think you turned another guy off of women. How does it feel to know your boyfriend doesn't want you because you turned him gay or how your mate doesn't want you because your such a bitch that you also turned him gay. That must be some kind of record. Turning two hot guys gay. Fabulous. Ah to freaking funny. That bad in the sack Brit?" I'm just mouthing stuff off.

"Shut up you whore." she screeches.

"Oh now that's rich. That coming from the whore who turned two men gay." I laugh.

"Shut up!" she screeches.

"Easy there banshee just because I don't have werewolf hearing doesn't mean I still can't lose it from that noise you made." who knew making crap up could be so fun.

I'm probably not making any sense but who cares. It's getting her riled up. It's fun.

"You know I don't see what Micah sees in you."

"Probably because he doesn't dumbass. You know I think a box of rocks has a higher IQ than you." I snicker. "I mean just because I'm not like you who spreads her legs for ANYONE and turns them gay doesn't mean I can't be friends with a guy. What gave you the notion that Micah likes me? Because he hasn't fucked me? See there ya go again thinking with that brain full of rocks. Dumbass. He has and never will fuck me because unlike you I'm keeping my legs closed."

"You know that's where your wrong. Micah likes you. Hell I'd say his in love with you. I'm not stupid as you think I am. I saw the way he looked at you. The way he just had to always be touching you. Kidnapping you will make that pack realize...."

"Let me save you the trouble of explaining your reasoning or plan. Because it won't matter. Screw Micah's pack. You fucked with the Stone pack." that's all I'm saying. She doesn't know how big we are. The wolf anyway. I've seen Micah's pack. Sorry they just aren't as big as we are. I think Micah is maybe six foot. His pack range from five foot to six foot. I haven't seen Declan and Anna's wolf yet.

My pack range from five to eight feet. My dad and uncles being eight feet. Well dad is maybe two or three inches taller. Being alpha and all. You know it must be type of breed thing. As for everything else. I'm going to start looking. Micah said something about books. Well I'm going to start reading them. I wonder if we have any. If we do I'm reading those too. I've never bothered knowing anymore about wolves. But I've never been more confused about them before.

I guess I was so lost in my thoughts I don't know she was left until I heard the door slam. I wonder if she was mouthing off more. At least she's gone. I just hope Micah and dad notices me gone and comes gets. They will won't they.



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