Chapter 27

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Trini's POV.

Positive, Positive, Positive, Positive, Positive. That's all that's going thru my head. He's going to hate me. He's not going to want the baby. What do I do? We've talk about this. He doesn't want kids until after we graduate collage. Oh god. He'll hate me. He'll leave me. He's going to kill me. I'll be a single mother. Mate or not. He's going to leave me! That stupid pill was suppose to work. I've been on it since I was sixteen. Never missed a day. He's going to blame me. Say I trapped him. Stupid stupid stupid. Stupid little pill. Stupid me!

"Trini are you alright?" he ask outside the bathroom door.

"Umm yeah fine. Just fine." I babble.

"Liar." stupid bond.

"I am. I really am." I shouldn't of done this while he was here. Stupid. God I'm so stupid.

"Liar get your ass out here and tell me what's going on." he demands.

"Nothing is going on. I'm fine."

"Your not fine. You've been in there for an hour. Come on baby come out and tell me." an hour.

Dang it feels like a few minutes. I sigh heavily pushing myself of the ground. I open the door and face my doom.

"You okay? What's wrong? Why you crying?" he panics. I sigh heavily again taking him to the bed.

"I'm fine."

"Then why the hell are you crying?" You know you can't dump me now." I nod smiling.

"I know."

"What is it beautiful?"

"Please don't hate me." I beg.

"I could never hate you."

"Impregnant." I rush out.


"I'm pregnant." I rush out again but clearer. He looks at me for a few minutes in shock. No breathing, not blinking. Nothing then gets up walking out the door. I knew it! I fall back on the bed crying harder. He hates me. He really hates me.

He doesn't want the baby. He really really doesn't want the baby. I lay there and cry hard for no telling how long when someone comes in.

"Hey beautiful. Why you crying again?"

"You don't want the baby. Your going to leave!" I cry. He picks me up putting me in his lap.

"I'm not going anywhere. I love you and I love the ba..." he stops himself. "Baby." he breaths. I nod. "I'm going to be a daddy?" I nod again. "I'm having a baby?" he's having a baby? Okay. But I nod again. "We're having a baby?" I nod again. "I'm going to be a daddy?" I nod again. "We're going to have a little Trinity running around?"

"Or Micah."

"We're having a baby?" I guess he's not believing it.

"Yes Micah were having a baby. One that you apparently don't want."

"What the hell are you talking about? Of course I want the baby."

"You said you didn't want kids until we graduated from collage." I remind him.

"Sure it's sooner than I expected but I don't care. I'M HAVING A BABY!" he booms at the end. "I love you. I love the baby. Thank you, thank you. I love you so damn much." he says kissing me all over my face. Then stops when he realizes something. "Oh shit! Your human." he says taking me off his lap.

Then jumps up running out the door. I follow as he runs down the stairs. He runs to my dad sitting at the breakfast bar grabbing his shoulders. Making him look at him.

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