Chapter 4

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Trini's POV.

I panic for the rest of the day. How did I not know there were werewolves here? Dad is going to throw a major fit. He hates rouges even more now since I was kidnapped as a baby. He kills them without a second thought. Wait he could just be a loner. Crap that group of friends he's always with could they be part of his pack? I don't know. I wish I wasn't human. Moments like this having werewolf senses would be so freaking awesome.

Thank god we are moving. Mom and dad decided we needed a change of scenery. More woods. As much as I don't want to admit it. I think they are right. My friends are going with me. Yeah at school I stay to myself but I got a lot of friends within the pack. Your asking what the hell I'm talking about? Humans? Pack?

Well see my dad is a werewolf. My mom is human and his mate. He isn't my real dad that's why I'm not a werewolf. My dad killed my real dad. I'm okay with that. Your probably think how messed up is that? Your wrong. See my real dad well sperm donor raped my mom. The result? Me. Then he kidnapped me with a bunch of nasty rouges and stabbed me. Dad doesn't know if it was on accident or on purpose. He really doesn't care either. All he knows is that S.O.B kidnapped his baby girl and shoved a knife in me.

Accident or not he was fuming and killed him. I know it sounds mean but I'm glad he did. I don't have to worry about him coming after me again and I hate what he did to my mom. I hate him. It's kinda of a pro con thing I guess. On one hand he hurt my mommy beyond repair. Sure she worked thru it but I know it still plagues her. Even though she won't admit it but it does. It's hard for her to let me out of her sight afraid it will happen to me too. Then on the other he was my father.

They are real protective of me and my brother. She won't let me date. I wouldn't anyway. I'm waiting for my mate to come along. I want what my mom and dad have. Yeah it's gross but god you can see the love in their eyes when one of them walk into the room. Their whole face lights up. Dad tells me it's not a guarantee. I know but I can hope. If it doesn't happen by the time I hit my junior year of collage then I'll find a human I guess. Maybe fall in love and have kids with him. Who knows.

I jump into my Camero after school and haul butt home. Yes dad gave me his baby for my 16th birthday. He won't give me his '1969'. Me and him are Camero fans. I swear he would have one of every year made if mom would let him. Yeah big fan of Cameros. That's where I get it from. Yeah I'm a daddy's girl so what? That's also where I get my love of motorcycle. They won't let me have one but they will let me drive dads. Yes even in his old age. Hehe. Shhh don't tell him I said that.

He still has one. A crotch rocket, rice burner whatever you want to call it. It's awesome and fast. I love it.

"Daddy!" I scream running into the house.

"Whoa baby girl where's the fire?"

"Rouges." I pant.

"WHAT?!" he booms. See not a fan of rouges. I put my hand out sticking a finger out telling him to hold on.

"Stupid human strength." I mutter once I get my breath back.

"Explain." he demands.

"Okay I don't know if he's a rouge. You remember the pompous butt of a quarterback we have I was telling you about?"


"He's a wolf."

"How do you know?"

"Well today I accidentally hit him with a door a busted his nose." he cocks and eyebrow.


"Yes dad." I say rolling my eyes. He chuckles. "Anyway he started talking to me and I reminded him to get it fix when he said it was fine and wiggled it. No humans nose can heal that fast."

"I'll be taking you to school tomorrow and check it out. Stay away from him." he orders.

"Aww dad I was wanting to take the bike tomorrow." I whine pouting. Yep I got him.

"Fine." he sighs. "But I'm following you."

"Thanks dad." I say kissing his check. See daddy's girl.

"Suck up." mom mutters.

"Your just jealous he loves me more." I snicker.

"That's alright I still have my boy." she says patting Devlin on the head.

"Mom I'm not a dog." he whines. She cocks and eyebrow tilting her head to the side. Dad and Devlin playfully growl at her.

"Watch it you two I'll call animal control." she snickers. Dad shakes his head smiling. It's an on going joke.

"You do that you won't get any of this." he says pointing at himself.

"Ewwww virgin eyes and ears in the house." I say disgusted covering my ears. Mom scoffs.

"You definitely don't have virgin ears." she's right dad is a pervert.

Yeah I had the sex talk with HIM. Let's just say he told me more than I needed to know. I had to leave the room when he tried to tell me about his and moms sex life. He wasn't the lest bit embarrassed. Me? I was twenty different shades of red.

"Trini." mom yells bring me out of my disgusted thought.

"Yes mommy." I say sweetly. She rolls her eyes.

"Cut the crap and go do your homework."

"Yes ma'am." I say skipping up stairs. Ahh she knows me so well. I'm not as spoiled as it sounds. They make me work for my stuff. For my wants. Every summer since I was thirteen dad has me work at his company. It's fun I love it. I still have my chores. We don't have maids, butlers, drivers. No we do it all ourselves.

After Devlin was born mom quit working. She didn't really have to anyway. She wanted to though. She worked right up until she went into labor. After that dad made her quit. He wasn't chovistist about it. He just didn't like her working, not spending time with us, having someone else watch us. Even if it was our grandparents.

See dad would give mom the world, the moon, the stars if he could. He worships the ground she walks on. And she worships the ground he walks on. He would do anything and everything for her. Dear god don't ever disrespect her. He'll kill you literally. Yeah even his kids. No he doesn't or didn't beat us actually he's never laid a hand in us. Let's just say when he grounds you you don't get off easy. Most kids a day, a week. Not us. A month. Doesn't sound bad does it? Wrong.

He makes you wash the cars. EVERYDAY. We don't just have one car in our garage. Everybody that lives here has one unless your under the age of sixteen. Clean house. EVERYDAY. We live in a mansion. There's 10 plus people that live here and you have to clean every room. From top to bottom. Clean the pool. EVERYDAY. Yeah the list goes on and on. And you have to do it. If not he grounds you longer and with twice as much work. Yes hard work. Mom comes in and helps. They know it can't be done. That's why it's okay if mom HELPS. She can't do it for us she can only help. And that's if she feels like it. Dad is a slave driver when we get into trouble.

Honestly we don't get into much. Would you? I think not. But he's a good dad. A damn good dad. I know I'm not his but he treats me no different as far as his concerned I am his. He use to tell me just because I don't have his DNA doesn't mean I'm not his. Blood or not I am his daughter. No matter what anybody says.



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