Chapter 22

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Micah's POV.

To say the least I'm become a pain in the ass and she let's me know it all the time. I pick her up every morning for school. Walk her to her locker. Walk her to every class. Let's just say I follow her around like a lost little wolf. Sorry but she was kidnapped once well twice now. I'm not going to let that happen again. So if me being a pain in the ass then so be it.

She was kinda upset with Ty for a day because she thought he didn't come to save her but he assured her that he was there. Since it was our fight we had his pack hide in trees so they couldn't see them. Sure their sent was there but for all they knew it was just rouge wolfs running thru.

Apparently when I attacked Brittany, my cousin attacked mom and Missy attacked dad. So Ty had his men jump out and that begun the fight. Ty knew that I had Trini taken care of once he saw Trini underneath me and Brittany's head roll so he keep fighting. Trini told us everything Brittany done to her. Luckily Trini was sitting in my lap and that keep me calm but you have no clue how bad I wanted to shift go dig up Brittany's ashes bring her back to life and slowly and painfully kill her again. Yeah I was that mad.

"Are you sure you want to go?" I ask. Trini wants to go to the fair today. She says she's been locked up in the house enough and needs to go do something.

"Yeah Mikey I need to get out." she groans. I hate that name. I wish she would quit saying it. No I don't. Really I don't. I do hate the name but when she says it it's cute.

"Fine." I sigh.

"Yay." she squeals clapping. "Call everybody! Tell them they are going wether they like it or not."

"Whatever you want babe." l get up to calling everybody while she gets ready.

I knew I was going to take her. It wasn't me locking her in the house it was Ty but I didn't blame him. He has been thru two kidnappings with her. I just needed her close to me. I needed to know she was okay. Ty let me spend the night or he would let her spend the night with me. I think he knew how I felt. I don't think she quite understood. I knew our protectiveness was going overboard but I wasn't going to stop it or apologize for it. I just had to be the one to convince Ty to let her go. He finally said yes when I told him it wasn't going to be me and our friends were going too.

We leave and meet everybody at the front gate. We walk around play games, ride rides and eat. The whole time I wouldn't let go of her hand and if I did it wasn't that long before I had it back in mine. She acts like I don't give her space. I do. When we are at home she can roam around all she wants it's public places that worry me. Hell she was ripped right out from underneath me once I can't I won't let that happen again. I need to mark her. That would solve a lot of problems.

We walk around for hours and hours. I think we rode each ride two or three times and ate several times.

"How about a movie after this?" I suggest.

They all agree. So we leave going to the movies. I get mine and Trini's tickets and junk food. While Trini goes in with the other girls to get some seats. I notice Trini quiet and staring off in space when I sit down. "You alright beautiful?" she nods not saying anything. So I sigh heavily. She's normally not so quiet. It bugs me when she gets so quiet. I put my arm around her shoulder bring her closer to me. "I love you you know that right?" I whisper in her ear.

"I know. I love you too." I take her hand bring it to my lips kissing her palm. She smiles brightly at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

The movie is a horror and Trini isn't one of those. Oh I'm scared snuggling up to you types. Well she does snuggle with me but not because she's scared. After the movie I drive her home dropping her off.

"You coming in?"

"Nah I'm going to go home." I tell her.

"Why?" I sigh heavily.

"Because you just don't seem to be in a mood to be around me." I tell her honestly. I'm not stupid. I know me crowding her is annoying her. She doesn't answer me for a few minutes.

"I do really I do but I've been thinking."


"I think we need to take a break." she says. My world just stops but I nod. Yeah I'm shocked.

"Your right I'll see ya around." I say


"No I get it. See ya." I snap cutting her off. And I'm pissed off. I honestly didn't think she'd dump me for trying to protect her.


"Get out." I growl. I don't want to hear it.

"I'm not..." I take a deep breath.

"You don't have to explain. I get it. Go so I can go home."


"Shit." I mutter getting out of the car. If she won't leave I will.

"Micah!" she yells. I ignore her calls and keep walking.

I'll get my car later. I know I'm probably over reacting but all I wanted to is protect her. Wouldn't most girls love it. I give her space as long as she's at home. I'm not even sure why I'm so mad. Stupid Brittany. Stupid cousin. All I know is she wants us to have a break fine a break is what she'll get.



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