Chapter 10

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I get up and go down for breakfast where mom is cooking away.

"Morning mom." I grunt.

"Morning baby." she chirps. "What are you doing up so early?"

"I don't know I couldn't sleep."

"You feeling okay?"

"Yeah." she nods looking at the clock.

"Shit I'm late." she groans. "Sorry but I have to go. Come up today and I'll get you guys enrolled." I nod.

"It's fine go play principle." she kisses my cheek and runs out the door.

I finish off where she left making breakfast.

"Morning son." dad says coming in the kitchen.


"What are you doing up this early?"

"Couldn't sleep." he nods as I set a plate of pancakes in front of him. I sit down too. We sit in comfortable silence for a few minutes.

"You make these?" he ask holding is fork up. I nod. "There so good. Better than your moms" he moans taking a bite. "Crap don't tell your mom I said that." he says with a mouth full of food.

"I so am." I snicker.

"I'll buy you a new car." he bribes.

"Have one."

"I'll buy you whatever you want." I shake my head.

"There's nothing I want."

"Oh come on there's got to be something." I shake my head no. "Home? Pony? Pet monkey? A tutu?" I laugh at that.

"No dad. You got nothing." dad shakes his head smiling.

After we eat we puts up his plate and walks to the living room and he starts petting the couch.

"Couch here I come." he fakes crying petting it.

"Umm why is you dad petting the couch?" Jayden ask coming down the stairs.

"It's his best friend." I laugh.

"It will be thanks to you." dad huffs making me laugh harder. "Shit I'm late your mother keep me up all night last night." he chirps wiggling his eyebrow.

"Gross I so did not need to know that." I groan. He laughs.

"Just wait till you get your mate." already do and don't want the bitch I think to myself.

"Just like Shay and Liam?" I snicker. He growls.

"He better wait till she's eighteen."

"It doesn't work that way dad."

"I know." he groans. "Anyway your mom said you want to talk to us after work?"

"Yeah." I sigh.

"Okay I'll be home not long after her." I nod. "Alright I'm out."

"Bye dad. Go catch some bad guys." he groans loudly. "You make it sound horrible. The wolves listen to you anyway."

"It's not them it's the humans." I nod. We don't dislike humans it's just that well they're humans. They don't like to listen to the law. They are unruly. Okay wolves aren't perfect.

Dad leaves for work. Then one by one the pack starts to wake up going there separate ways. Mom took over principle after she graduated collage and grandpa retired. Dad went to the police academy and is now the towns sheriff. Mom loves dad in uniform. Could you see why?

I take the boys to enroll in school and around town. I show them everything. When we make it home mom and dad are waiting for me.

"Office?" mom ask.

"Sure." we head to the office and sit down.

"What's this about son?" dad ask.

"Mom did you know you had a nephew?"

"Yeah I have several of them."

"No a blood nephew?"

"Yeah Seth's boy."

"Another one."

"Umm no what are you talking about?" I sigh heavily fixing to speak but Jayden cuts me off.

"A few weeks ago I got a call from a kid named Ryle. He said he was your nephew from Bailey."

"She's dead isn't she?"

"Yeah mom."

"Then how? She didn't have a mate did she?" she asked confused.

"Not that I know of. She wasn't pregnant before they left. Well I don't think so." dad says.

"Apparently she had him a couple of months before the fight happen. His half human. His father is human. Don't ask me how that happen." Jayden says.

Mom and dad look confused. Maybe he was her mate. Apparently it happens.

"Okay. What does that have to do with anything?"

"His coming to kill you." I tell her. Dad growls loudly.

"Why?" she ask.

"Because you unnecessarily and cruelly killed his family. His mother." Jayden tells her. Mom scoffs shaking her head.

"I did no such thing I killed that bastard of a grandfather but not the rest of his family or mother. I don't know who did and I don't care who did. I'm grateful to them though." nobody talks about that day. Especially dad.

He almost lost his wife and me. She was in a coma for four months after that. They didn't think she was going to make it. Technically she wasn't suppose too.

"How long do we got? How many?"

"Not really sure. When they called us they were still recruiting."

"How did you know it was her they were after?" dad ask him.

"I didn't until the other day when Micah was telling us he was coming home."

"Micah?" dad ask. I sigh.

"We were on speaker listening to him tell his story and what he was going to do to you. And it clicked."

"Now is not the time for this." mom groans.

"Why not?"

"We have a new pack moving in." dad says.

"Is that a good idea?"

"Yeah they are a peaceful pack. Not looking for any trouble just running room." dad says. I nod.

"Pick up training then when they get here we'll help them get settled then start again?" mom ask dad.

"Yeah for now." mom nods sighing. Then suddenly jumps up.

"Woooohooo training!" she yells fist pumping the air. I laughed rolling my eyes. Well that hasn't changed. My mom loves training. No she loves getting out there and kicking ass.



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