Chapter 12

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So I did get dressed up for dinner. I know I know but I really like this girl. I don't know why. Well I do. She's funny, smart, sarcastic, sweet, caring of others, beautiful. She's just the whole package. I'd like to know a few things though. What happen to her father? Why does she call him a sperm donor? And most of all what's up with these damn sparks.

I have a mate. I shouldn't be feeling sparks with anyone but her right? Wether we want each other or not. Right? I don't know. Maybe I'll ask mom. I follow mom and dad to the restaurant with Shay.

"How's school?" I ask her.

"Good. You?

"Better." she nods.

"Liam?" I ask already knowing the answer.

"Dad won't let him get within a mile of me." she says sighing. I have an idea. Since I'm such a nice and caring big brother.

"Tell you what I'll ask dad if Liam can take you on a date."

"You know he'll say no."

"Not if I go with you."

"You'll do that for me?" she says surprised. I roll my eyes.

"Yes sis I will. Well make it a double date."

"You think he'll go for it?"


"Thank you, thank you, thank you." she squeals.

"Easy there Shay." I chuckle.

"Sorry thanks Micah."

"No problem sis."

"So who's the girl?"

"What girl?"

"Well there's a rumor going around."

"You know rumors get you nowhere."

"I know but rumor is that Brittany is your mate but you rejected her for the new girl." I sigh heavily.

"Don't tell mom and dad."

"So the rumors are true but I'm glad you rejected her. She's horrible."

"No. Brittany is my mate but she rejected me two years ago. The new girl Trinity well I like her." I tell her.

"Your not going to take Brittany back are you?"

"No like you said she's horrible. A bitch. She's not female alpha material."

"Good I really don't want her as a sister in law. I'd really hate to disown you."

"That makes two of us. We're here." I tell her parking. We go into the restaurant. "Hey don't tell mom and dad I will okay?

"Okay. So you going to ask Trinity out for our date?"

"Nah she doesn't like me like that." she nods sighing.

Maybe I will I'm sure she wouldn't say no for mates. She loves the idea of mates. We find mom and dad and sit.

"Micah?" Ty says surprised.

"Evening Ty, Kyiri, Devlin."

"You know them?" dad says surprised.

"You this the alpha I was tell you about." dad nods. "That's him. Where's Trinity?" I ask Ty. Ky rolls her eyes.

"She's coming. She just had to go for a ride." Ky says.

"She rides?" mom ask.

"Yeah whenever she gets the chance." Ty says with a smile.

"Follows in her daddy's footsteps." Ky says.

"You ride too?" mom ask Ty.

"Yeah whenever I get the chance."

"Well have to go for a ride sometime." mom says. I roll my eyes. They agree of course.

"Evening everybody." Trini chirps standing next to us. I stands up.

"Hey beautiful. You look nice." I say pulling out her seat.

"You again." she says with a smile sitting down.

"Yep your dream man is here."

"You mean nightmare."


"Enjoy you ride?" Ty ask.

"Yes sir." she chirps.

"Your late."

"Sorry daddy." she says sweetly. He just nods. She does have him wrapped. We order drinks and dinner. We begin to talk just about whatever.

During dinner they discuss what happen to Trini when she was younger. I was fuming mad. Who does that? Seriously rape a women, then kidnap the child, then stab the said child. What a sick fuck.

"Hey you okay?" Trini ask.

"Yeah." I say thru gritted teeth. She puts her hand on my shoulder and I instantly calm down. What the hell? The rest of the night they talk about family, friend, blah blah. Your typical adult things while me and Trini talk. Something I notice we do a lot of. Flirt. After dinner we leave.

"Why don't you just ask her?" Shay ask as we drive home.

"Ask who what?"

"Ask Trinity out."

"One I need to ask dad first two." I sigh. "I just don't know."

"She likes you." I scoff

"No she doesn't."

"Please. The way you two flirted with each other and the way she looked at you. Yeah difinatly like."


"I'm telling you bro she does." she says.

"Whatever." she rolls her eyes and huffs.



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