Chapter 8

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Micah's POV.

"You guys with me?" I ask.

"You sure your parents won't hate us?" Jayden ask.

"No man. My mom use to be rouge." I tell them. Again.

"Really?" I rolled my eyes for the hundredth time.

"Yeah. You know my mom didn't have a very good life growing up." they've heard about her life. They are afraid mom will kill them for being rouge even when we're not.

"Yeah I'm in. Only if they don't kill us." Owen says.

"Your safe moron."

"I'm in." Jayden says.

"Me too." Kane says.

"Me three." Liam says.

"Me four." Scott says.

"Me five." Luke says.

"To live for good?" I ask. Yeah I decided.

"For good." they choir.

"Good go pack please the sooner we get there the sooner my mom can feed us." they nod going different directions of our apartment.

I can't wait to get home. I miss my family. I didn't leave because of them or because I was being bullied. I had an awesome family. Loving but weird mom, dad, sister, aunts, uncles, cousins. You couldn't ask for better. I talked the guys into coming with me. I couldn't leave them. They've been with me since I left two long years ago. We pack what we are taking. Just clothes and keepsakes. Everything else is staying. After we pack and load everything in our cars. Yeah I didn't use mom and dads money. I made my way. I had my own job and went to school.

We take off stopping at a motel for the night. The next morning we get up early taking off again. A couple of more hours we reach my home.

"Home sweet home."

"Home my ass. This place is beautiful."

"Thanks." I honk the horn scaring Alex making him quickly turn around. "Some werewolf you are!" I yell out the window. He walks up to the car.

"Mikey." he says in disbelief. "Wow you've grown. Long time no see kid. How have you been?"

"Good mom and dad home?"

"Yeah in the back. I'll tell them your here."

"No don't I want to surprise them."

"Got it go in we'll catch up later."

"Sure thanks man." I drive thru the gates. I park get out of the car.

"Dude you live here?" Luke asked in awe walking up to us.

"Yeah let's go to the backyard." I head to the back yard with all of them following me. Oh god do they ever stop. I quickly cover my eyes. "You know that's how you got me and Shay and that's really gross." I tell them.

Dad has got mom in his arms with her legs around his waist makin out. Gross. Not something I wanna see my parents do. They quickly pull apart.

"I know that voice please tell me I'm not dreaming or I will kick your ass." mom threatens dad.

"Not a dream babe. He's really here."

"Micah!" mom screams literally jumping out of dads arms. She runs and tackles me to the ground in a hug. Then kisses every inch of my face.

"My baby." kiss "I've missed you." kiss. "So much." kiss. "Oh I'm so." kiss. "Glad your home." kiss "Your never." kiss. "Leaving my." kiss. "Sight again." kiss. "Look." kiss. "Declan my." kiss "Baby is home." she coos.

"I know baby let him up so he can breath." he says pulling her off of me.

"Thanks dad." I say getting up and dusting myself off.

"No problem little man...umm well can't say that anymore can I?" dad says hugging me.

"Bullshit he's still my little man." mom argues as me and dad pull apart.

"Mom mouth." I joke.

"Hey I did good for sixteen years thank you very much."

"I can tell." I say rolling my eyes. "Still haven't put a leash on her yet dad?" I joke.

"Yeah it didn't work. I thought about a shock collar." he jokes back as mom dies laughing.

"" she says in between laughs.

"Not funny Anna." Mitchy says walking over to us.

"Oh but it was. Can we have a replay." she laughs making herself slightly jerk.

"Haha. But no."

"Oh come on that was funny as hell." mom says. Dad standing back trying not to laugh. I know the story.

"Care to explain?" Jayden says.

"Later funny story." I snicker. "Hi Mitchy."

"Damn just as good looking as your dad." she says checking me out. It doesn't bother me.

"Hey hey. Do you want me to pull out that shock collar? That's my son your checking out.

"I was just saying." Mitchy says.

"Well introduce." mom says.

"Oh right. Mom, dad this is Owen, Luke, Jayden, Kane, Liam and Scott." I say pointing to each one.

"Your pack?" dad ask.


"And who's alpha?" mom ask. Uh oh she's not going to like this. I know what's fixing to happen.

"Jayden." I say. Mom steps up to him. Yep didn't see that coming did you?

"Boy do you know who my son is?!" she growls. Didn't see that either. Note all the sarcasm.

"Mom I followed your footsteps. I'm beta."

"I don't care. You aren't meant to be beta your meant to be alpha. It's in your blood."

"Mom didn't want to be alpha." I tell her. "Yet." I add.

"Boy I will bend you over my knee." mom threatens.

"Mom it's okay I didn't want to be alpha. I knew I'd be alpha to this pack one day." I explain.

"I'll let your ass slide this time but not again. You understand me?"

"Yes ma'am." she takes alpha and alpha female positions seriously. Can't you tell? I think it has something to do with when she was younger and her being beta. And here SHE is....



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