Chapter 25

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Trini's POV

I can't believe that asshole took off without telling me. He just left. Yes I cried. For two reasons. One because he was leaving me. I wanted him here with me and two because he thought I didn't care. I didn't answer because I was shocked that he even thought that. I love the asshole. I didn't even get the chance to tell him that I loved him or tell him I wanted him to mate me because I love him. Stupid mate just ups and leaves.

They have been back since yesterday. I've been wanting to go over there and talk to him but I'm to chicken. I'm kinda scared that if I do he'll tell me it's over he found someone else down there. I know they came back with two girls. I'm scared one of them might be Micah's. Stupid I know but I can't help it. Ugh I'm being really stupid.

I get of my bed putting on my shoes. I jump on my bike and go to Micah's.

"Hi Trini." Anna chirps answering the door.

"Hi Anna. How are you?"

"I'm good. You?"

"Could be better." she nods. "His in his room."

"Thanks." I go to his room and the door is open. Laying there on his bed is a beautiful brunette. I clear my throat making her look at me. "Is Micah around?" I ask her.

"Bathroom." she says going back to the tv. I stand there awkwardly.

"Hey ready?" he ask coming out of the bathroom pulling on a shirt. I just stand there letting the tears fall. She nods to me and he finally looks at me. I just stare at him for a few seconds then shake my head. I just run out of there.

"Trini?!" he yells. I just ignore him running down the stairs.

"Trini what's wrong?" Anna ask. I didn't answer I just run out to my bike. He keeps yelling but I just go.

I take off going anywhere but there or home. I drive around town, go to the city, come back drive around the lake, the springs. I cried the whole time. I just couldn't believe I lost him. I pull over next to some trees at the springs. I get off my bike and sit on the edge. I cried some more. I thought we were mates. Can they even do that to each other? I guess they can. I thought this mate shit was easy.

When I finally look at the clock on my phone it's four in the morning. Shit I have school. I get back on my bike and drive home. When I get there mom and dad are in the living room pissed.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" dad booms. I look up at him and start crying again. He holds his arms out for me and I run into them. I cry and cry into his chest. While he coos over me. Telling me it's going to be okay over and over. After I cry for god only knows how long.

"Thanks daddy." I sniffle.

"What to talk about?" he ask.

"He has someone else."

"You need to talk to him." is all he says. I shake my head no. Shouldn't he be mad or something?

"I'm going to go get ready for school."

"You don't have to go." mom says.

"Yeah I do. I can't sit in my room and cry. I guess I need to get over him."

"You need to talk to him." mom says. I shake my head no again. He let's go and I go upstairs to get ready.

Once I'm dressed, I eat breakfast and head to school in my car. I meet up with my friends.

"Where were you yesterday?" Heather demands. I just shrug walking away. I didn't want to tell them Micah found someone else. "Micah came to my house growling and demanding where you were. Worried about you." I scoff at that. Right. Like he'd be looking for me when he had a beautiful brunette in his bed. "Talk to us Trinity." I just shrug not wanting to talk.

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