A/N: Due to the lack of feedback, I’m just assuming here that you guys are liking the story and where it’s heading. Anyway just wanted to say that lol ^-^ now go back to your reading!
Lots of love! - totestev
Chapter 17: I do
I woke up from my sleep with a gentle kiss on my forehead. Standing over me dressed a bit lazily was Ben. Wait… BEN! I hopped out of my bed and gave him a big hug. He had been gone a bit longer than expected for his location shoot, a week and a half to be exact. Of course during that time Erin, work, Jimmy and Harry kept me occupied, but I received little text with photos now and again.
“I guess this means you missed me, huh?” he laughed giving me a tight hug in return.
“More than anything! It’s been weird not seeing your lazy bum on the couch everyday when I come home.” I joked punching him. I looked over at the clock and it was five in the morning. “What are you doing home so early? I thought you weren’t getting back till noon?” I asked him remembering the last text he sent me.
“Well I wasn’t, but there was an earlier flight that had a bunch of open seats so I took it. I missed you.” he said touching my face lovingly. I felt my ears burning. He missed me?
“I-I-I missed you too.” I stuttered a little taken a back at this new affection he was showing.
“So how’s life been without me hanging about?” Ben asked as we walked to the kitchen so we wouldn’t wake up Erin.
“It’s been pretty good, weird, but pretty good.” I began to recall to him the events that happened in the past week. I told him about hanging out with Jimmy and Harry a bit more after the ice-cream social. I left out any tid-bits of Harry and I getting a bit affectionate to spare him from feeling like this was girl talk.
“Jimmy seems like a pretty good guy. Are you going to his wedding?” Ben asked picking some egg I made for him.
“Yeah I am. The invitation came in the mail the other day. He wants to meet you and Erin, and the rest of the boys.” I told him and looked at my watch. “Oh geez I got to get ready for work. Get some sleep today okay? You look exhausted.” I said leaning over the counter and giving him a peck on the cheek. “I’ll see you when I get home.”
I was stuck in the Fashion Closet currently looking at our new line everyday with Patrice. It was fun, a bit stuffy, and busy. The models who were trying on the clothes were gorgeous and kind of grumpy. I blame it on the lack of food. We had set up a healthy snack bar but none of them had touched it. I don’t know how they do it. I can’t go without at least three meals a day and one snack.
“What do you think Charlie?” Patrice asked me. We were currently looking at a sheared black and white polka-dot dress that was hanging off of one of the few models who was eating. Her frame filled it out perfectly.
“It looks a bit vintage, so we should modernize it a bit with some kick-ass boot and belt it.” I said going over to the belt and shoe racks. I pulled out black studded boots, hosiery, and a cloth belt.
It took the model a while to slip on the hosiery and boots but once she was done she stood up and allowed me to apply the belt. When the look was completed with make-up Patrice walked around the girl examining the outfit.
“I like it!” he exclaimed, “The sort of vintage punk kind of look is brilliant. You’re brilliant Charlie, and of course I am!” He took at his phone and snapped a picture of the model. “Alright, next!” He shouted.
All-in-all it had been a pretty busy day. Towards the end I received a text from Jimmy reminding me about the rehearsal dinner tonight. It would be the first time meeting Elizabeth. I couldn’t wait to finally meet her and put a face to the name of what seemed to me to be the most amazing and gorgeous woman in the world.

Curly Cats
FanfictionCharlotte Watson always thought her life was ordinary. Updating her fashion blog everyday, fan-girling over One Direction, having fun with her friends, but as High school ends she receives the chance of a lifetime to work for her favorite magazine...