What I like About You

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A/N: SO we left Charlie on a bit of a sad note, and I’m sorry for that but sometimes we need a turning point in ones life! Anyway I think this chapter should be a little light-hearted and care-free like Niall Horan ;D Love that Irish man to bits! Of course being that I haven’t actually met the guy he’s still good in my book! ^-^ so just keep on reading and have a few fan-girl moments maybe?

Lots of Love!- totestev

Chapter 24: What I Like About You

I laid my suitcase on the floor of my room as I hit the bed exhausted. I had jet-lag like none other and my mom was nowhere to be found. I tried closing my eyes but something in the back of my mind was nagging me. I know I had forgotten my book, I know Mr. Sir was getting settled currently and Tinker has taken some-what of a liking to him. I sat up and took in my partially bare room. My carry-on was the only thing that caught my eye. The package that Niall handed me before I boarded was sticking out of it. I crawled over to it and pulled the white letter out. I stared at it as it just sat there beside me on my bed.

I touched my face as I felt the dampness near my eyes. I tossed it to the side of my room not bothering to open it. I took this break for a reason. I’m not going to allow even the thought of him to mess it up.

Hey Babe bloggers!

So recently got to interview one of my favorite authors just for you nerdy anglophiles! J.K. Rowling has to be the most brilliant author of our time! She created the story that was my childhood! And the fact I got to interview this gorgeous woman had to be the highlight of my year! You can read the interview in the next Issue of Guise! In case any of you wanted to know, Guise has definitely become a stronger corporation since the angry and evil Anastasia left its midst. Also with the meeting of one of my role-models, well this was a bit before I met her, I have started to write a Novel over the exchange of two kids who were assigned to message each other for school and continued far after if stopped. The novel is called “Sincerely, Love, Truly Yours”. I plan on having it published, maybe, around this time next year! ^-^

Till Then!- Charlie XO

  I published my newest blog entry for the week. I had been enjoying my job-free, boy-free, and love-free break. It had nearly been a month and a half since I hopped on the plane and left. I looked over to the end of my bed and watched as Mr. Sir was nibbling on Tinker. I was quite happy when they took to each other fairly well. I both loved them so much. I laughed as Tinker stood up causing Mr. Sir to roll off of her. There was a faint knock on my door.

“Hey hun.” My mom greeted as she entered my room. She was dressed in a beautiful red dress that made her look a bit younger than usual and she seemed to be wearing make-up.

“What’s with the outfit mom?” I asked as she sat down beside me.

“Well believe it or not, I’m going on a date.” She smiled as if this was a surprise to her even.

“Really? That’s great mom!” I said hugging her. “With who?”

“You know that fairly young guy who plays the piano?” She asked smiling, you could feel her excitement buzzing off of her. I couldn’t help rolling my eyes.

“Mom! He could be my brother!” I said bringing my pillow to my face in a bit of disgust.

“Hun, he’s thirty, there is no way he could be your brother, I’d be ten.” She laughed as she took my hands. “I’ve got a surprise for you! She smiled and leapt off the bed. “Close your eyes.”

I obeyed her and shut them tight, of course I would soon regret this as I felt a heavy body collide with my that cause me to fall of my bed in a bit of a tangle with the other person. I opened my eyes and there staring down me with shorter hair than last time, was Erin. I couldn’t help the feeling of love that overwhelmed me as I pulled my bestest friend into a tight hug.

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