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RK900's POV.

I opened my eyes, looking around, I saw one man and two androids. The man looked excited. I identified him as Elijah Kamski, my creator. I then turned to the androids and identified them. The taller one of the two was an RK200 known as Markus, the leader of Jericho. The shorter one, who looked nervous, was an RK800 named Connor, the co-leader of Jericho. "He's awake," Elijah called out, noticing my open eyes. He walked over to me quickly. "I'm Elijah but you can call me 'Daddy.'" He smirked. My LD flashed yellow, as I was confused by his strange request. There was an outraged look on Markus' face.

"Elijah! He will not call you 'Daddy,' you creep," Markus snapped. He pushed Elijah away from me.

"Oh, you should be glad I'm a creep. Connor and Hank's relationship wouldn't be as intense as it is if not for me." The small android, who hadn't said anything, turned a bright blue.

"E-Elijah!" Connor called out. I knew he was deviant but I couldn't tell what emotion he was feeling. He seemed to be embarrassed. Elijah was smirking while Markus glared at him.

"Okay boys, let's compromise. RK900, you will refer to me as Daddy Kamski." I saw him start to laugh as Markus charged him. As Markus chased Kamski away, the small android known as Connor came up to me.

"H-hi I'm Connor, and like Kamski said, we are like brothers which I think is cool and stuff." He seemed nervous, then my LD flashed yellow again.

Software instability

The strange warning flashed in front of my eyes. "Androids do not have siblings," I spoke for the first time. He looked down and nodded.

"Okay, if that's what you want," he said softly. He seemed upset. I didn't understand why deviants were so strange. Kamski ran back into the room and hid behind me.

"Kamski, I'm not going to hurt you so stop running!" Markus yelled at him as he entered the room again. Kamski nodded, patting his hair into place. He walked over to stand in front of me. "Your assignment will be to work at the DPD with Gavin Reed," he said, the name was spoken with hesitation. He looked at the ground for a second before finishing his sentence. "So many android cases are coming in, so you must work side by side with him. I do admit that he's hardheaded and probably won't want to work with you, but you must try your best." Connor tilted his head. "How do you know so much about Gavin?" he asked Kamski. He seemed taken by surprise and shook his head.

"I talked to Captain Fowler," Elijah stated as a matter of fact.

"Well... I must get going, Jericho needs me. Ever since we took over that old Cyberlife building, androids have been flooding in, even before we could get it suitable for living," Markus said, excusing himself to leave. As soon as he left, Connor looked uncomfortable in Kamski's presence.

"Well Nines and I should get going," Conner said, calling me by a name that I did not know I had.

Lieutenant Anderson's house.

As we approached the house, Connor pulled a key out. I was confused as to why he lived with the lieutenant. He was not supposed to, he was supposed to return to Cyberlife or Jericho. As we walked in, the lieutenant heard us entering and ran over to great Connor with a hug. I observed the situation, they did not seem like simply friends. What could they be? My question was answered when Connor kissed the lieutenant, who pulled away.

"He's here remember," the lieutenant reminded Connor. He nodded, blushing.

"We got you clothes and we can set a room up for you at Jericho if you want, but don't worry, we still have space," Connor told me.

They kissed but... Why would they do that? Androids can't feel love but maybe deviants can. I wonder if I could ever feel anything. No, I'm not a devient, I'm just an Android. Connor showed me my room, it was painted black, which made it look smaller. The closet had sweatshirts, turtlenecks, and T-shirt's, which were all either black, navy blue, or white. I heard talking coming from outside my room. I put my ear to the door.

"How long is he going to stay here?" I heard the lieutenant ask.

"I don't know babe..." I heard the lieutenant groan. I left my room.

"I can stay at Jericho if needed," I told them. Connor looked slightly upset.

"Eavesdropping is rude," the lieutenant snapped. I nodded.

"I'm sorry Lieutenant," I apologized.

"Call me Hank," he replied and walked off, clearly annoyed.

"You will stay here with us Nines, Hank will have to get used to it. Okay?" Connor said quietly. I went to my room. "Hank, you should get some rest! We have work tomorrow, okay?" I heard Connor yell. Hank groaned. I decided to power down. I wondered if I could ever have something like Connor and Hank.

Software instability

I ignored the warning and continued to wonder. What if I find someone? Will I always be alone? Maybe the detective I'm partnering up with can be the one... I shook my head, clearing it from the thought that creeped in. I do not have emotions. I am an android, not a person.
First chapter who's hyped I know I am

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