Chapter 7

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Hanks and Connors house Conan's pov
I walked in. I packed all my clothes.
Connor and hank were eating dinner.
" I'm moving to Jericho." I stated.

Hank looked thankful.

" Thank god." I heard him mutter.
There love life was not doing so well since I move here a few months ago.

" No you don't have to Conan." Connor glared at hank.

" No your relationship is hurting from my overdue stay here. I've already spoke with Markus he got me a room." Connor nodded sadly.

"Conan you left work early today may I ask why." Connor asked concern.

"Gavin needed to rest he had a panic attack in the bathroom. So I took him home to calm down where I accidentally fell asleep." I told half of the truth. I said my goodbyes and pet sumo once last time.

Gavin's pov at his apartment
Lily was yelling at me. It was 8 p.m I couldn't wait till Conan came back.

" Where did the hickey come from are you cheating on me." I groaned.

" It's a bug bite I swear petal."

" Don't you dare call me that nickname you whore!" She yelled at me.
Conan entered and frowned." Hello Miss.noel May I ask what the problem is."

Conan addressed lily by her last name. He was so polite to her. He was wearing a black turtle neck and jeans. He looked so good.the jeans hugged him in the right areas.

"You are an Android so you have to tell the truth right." Conan nodded.

I panicked. She poked the hickey he left really hard. It hurt. I saw Conan repressing a smile. He tilted his head observing it.

" It is a bug bite and I've been with him all day after he suffered a panic attack he took a nap and I went to go get groceries an hour ago. So unless he did it while I was gone. He's clean." Conan lied straight through his perfect mouth.

She then looked at me shocked. She hugged me. I wanted to shove her off.

"You know lily I don't how it's going to work out if you just accuse me of cheating. Then after being told I was innocent you hug me. I think we should go different ways." I said
smoothly then pulled out my cigarettes lighting one. I took a puff.

She had started crying." Fine if that's what you want whore," she screamed then ran out of my apartment.

She slammed the door. Conan starting laughing. He sat down next to me.
" I thought you weren't going to break up with her."
" well I have someone better."

I pressed my lips against his.

A week later Conan's pov at the dpd
" Fucking plastic prick." He yelled then shoved me. I shoved him back.

" Detective reed I was just trying to help."
He stormed off to the bathroom.

" Detective!" I followed him to the bathroom. He pushed me against the door when I entered. Kissing me passionately. It was heated and animalistic. He needed to breath after awhile.

"I thought kissing at work was prohibited."

" Oh shut up and kiss me. We both know you want to." He was right about that.

"Sorry Princess if you break the rules again. I will leave a mark on your neck that will last a week." He went to kiss me. I kissed his neck sucking and biting it. The bruise already started to form.

" We have work detective." I left the bathroom.
I walked over to hank and Connor.

" Hank listen he's been nicer to everyone. He looks so much happier and he isn't frowning  as much. I wonder wh-Oh hey Conan. We are talking about Gavin's conspiracy's."

" Actually he is and  maybe you can confirm his theory." I nodded

" Ok so does Gavin have a girlfriend."

I smiled knowing the truth.

" Yes he does." Connor looked really excited." I told you hank." He said excited hank kissed him.
" shut  up."

I left them alone." Come on Gavin please. I know you are just going to sit alone and watch movies." I heard Officer Chen trying to persuade Gavin.

" I don't want to get drunk. We both remember what happened last time." Gavin frowned." You can have one or two drinks please." Tina begged.

I stepped into the break room.

" Detective you do need to go out more." I spoke he threw a stern glance at me." See if the tincan says you do. Conan you can come to." I nodded.

" It's at 10 the bar which you have two hours to get ready." I grabbed Gavin's arm." This loser will be there I will make sure of it." I flashed a soft smile.

I dragged Gavin to his car." We are going princess." He groaned.

" I will even allow myself to get drunk. I will turn off the mode that keeps me sober." Gavin sat up straighter than he is." Ok fine."

The bar Conan's pov
Hank and Connor were already there. So was a few other officers I didn't really know." You came." Tina yelled and hugged Gavin. He frowned.

" I was going to skip but he made me get ready."

It was true. 

After an hour of drinking
Gavin had about five shots in front of him. I have only had one drink.

" Do them all." Tina slurred. Gavin drank all five. I frowned.

" Now princess you don't want to get to drunk do you." I whispered he shivered.
"Maybe I do." He giggled.

He was such a dork." Well Hank and I are heading out." Connor said holding hank up. Tina waved good bye.

Gavin, Tina, and I were the last ones from the small party.

" Lets go back to your place." I manage to get the two humans in a taxi. We go back to Gavin's place.

" Tina I gots a secret." He yelled whispered
" Ooh you can tell me I won't tell nobody."

"I gots a boyfriend."

"Oooh what's his name is he cute."

Gavin nodded and leaned on Tina.

" He literally the most gorgeous man he calls me princess."

" I never thought you bottomed."

They giggled. I smiled at Gavin.
We made it back to the apartment. I got the humans in the apartment.

I left them in the couch and walked into the kitchen." Eli, Eddie, venom, Simon, Blue." I called out as I filled the cats bowls. Then outs Eli's and blues wetfood out. The small jet black kitten ran in first. Then Eddie right after. I opened the freezer.

Simon wasn't there.

The cabinet above me then opened and the small grey cat leapt out.

I heard a loud gasp.

" You two are always fighting."
" We got to keeps our secret."

I smiled Gavin finally told someone.
I walked in.

" Gavin's what's going on."
Tina got up and slowly walked towards me." You hurt him and I'll destroy you." She then tripped over her feet I caught her." Be careful miss Chen."

She smiled as I helped her up.
" You found the one." She grinned.

" it's 12 a.m o think you both should sleep. I know both of you have tomorrow off but you drank a lot." Tina flopped on to the couch. I helped Gavin to the room.i laid next to him.
"Good night princess." I whispered and kissed his forehead.

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