Chapter 10

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Gavin's pov.
"Shit!" I swore. How did we forget we fought during work.

" So Connor we forgot that we are suppose to hate each other around each other. So we have to explain ourselves." Conan said.

Connor invited us in. We sat at his dining table.

" Remember when I stole Gavin's phone a few days ago." Conan said softly.Connor nodded.

" well we may of slept together during lunch. That's why we didn't come back." He mumbled.

His face was a bright blue. Connor gasped.

" He doesn't actually live at Jericho." I blurted out. Connor looked shocked.
"You don't then,where do you live?" Connor questioned.
Conan looked at me. My face flushed a bright red.

" I'm sorry." Conan apologized. Connor looked really upset.

" Why is everyone keeping secrets from me." He said and looked down. He looked really sad.

" What do you mean everyone?" Conan asked.

" Hanks been hiding something since earlier on the case."

" He saw Conan and I together."

Connor looked up.
" Why would he hide your relationship from me?" Connor asked.

" I asked him to." Conan said.

Hank came out of his room.
Sumo ran out to and started licking Connor. The small white cat who sitting on the table hissed.

" whelp not a good fit." Conan laughed.

" You guys should leave." Hank said he walked one to Connor and started to comfort him. We left with Rosie.

" Who else do we know?" Conan asked.

The final destination. Conan's POV

Gavin was holding Rosie so I knocked.
" Hello cutie come to take my deal." I recognize the model it was Cora.

I didn't understand her question so I shook my head no.

" We need to see Elijah." I said softly.
She let us in. When she saw the cat. She touched its head.
"It's alive not an android." She said confused. Gavin then walked in." Little brother, Conan." He addressed us.

" I haven't been receiving your memories. Do you know why?" Elijah asked. I nodded."

"I've been redirecting them to a memory card." I explained.

" Why?"

" I need privacy."

He looked towards Gavin.

" We are dating. He explained. I panicked I had direct orders to not tell Gavin my feelings. That's why I went to deviant. But Elijah saw the cat and smiled he wasn't paying attention.

" What a pretty cat she reminds me of cheese." I tilted my head confused Gavin laughed at my reaction.

" Cheese was our cat as children."

I nodded smiling at the silly name.
" You are expressing emotions. Have you gone deviant." I looked down ashamed.

"He has." Gavin said. defensive. Elijah looked excited.

" How?!" Gavin blushed and so did I.

He looked upset.

" So why the cat." Gavin's explains the situation. Elijah nodded.

" So you names her already right." Gavin looked down slightly." Yea I did her name is Rosie." Elijah frowned.

" Why would you name this thing after her."

" Mom was the one who let us have cheese." Gavin defended his actions.

" It's your fault she died." Elijah screamed. He got angry really quickly.

" No it was his fault we both know this." Elijah glared at Gavin.

" No the police said it was an accident and he wasn't guilty. He got to walk free." Gavin looked furious.

" Don't blame me they wouldn't let me work the case."

" THAT MONSTER WALKED FREE BECAUSE OF YOU. It makes me think who is really the monster." Gavin stormed out and Elijah stormed off.

I followed Gavin. He had the back of his phone off. He had the razor dragging through his skin.

" Gavin stop that right now." I yelled at him. Blood dripping from his arm on to his car. I grabbed the razor and threw it. The cut was extremely deep. It wouldn't stop bleeding. Gavin was crying.

"Fuck this fuck him fuck life." Gavin screamed hitting his injured arm on his car. He cried out in pain. I hated seeing him like this. He was so angry.

" I don't need these fucking emotions." Gavin got into the car. I tried to get I. He locked the door. He then pulled off quickly.

I started banging on Elijah's door." You mother fucker get your ass down here." I waited for five minutes.

" You bitch." I yelled at the door I pulled my gun and shot the doorknob.

I let myself in. I looked around till I found someone." Connie get Elijah now." I said still holding my gun.

She nodded and called Elijah. He came down." What's so importa-holy shit you have a gun." He yelled.

I put my gun down." Sorry. Gavin left after having a break down that you caused. So you will give me a car.

He nodded looking panicked.

" Does he still hurt himself he told me he stopped." I nodded.

" he was bleeding badly last I saw him." I said and he tossed me keys.

" Go save my brother."

Gavin's apartment Gavin's pov

I drank another bottle looking at my gun. I removed all the bullets except one. I spun it. I could kill myself or live. One bad and one good. I hope I get the good option. I pulled the trigger.

The bad option. I get to live to play again. So I put the gun back to my head and shot again. 2 bad why can't I just get the good option the one to end me. I looked my cat Eli.

" hey buddy I'll miss you." I said petting him. He whimpered and bit me . He never bites he then threw up.

"Little man what's wrong." I tried to pet him he but me again and hissed. He never acts like this. I picked him up and put him in a kennel. Rosie looked at me from her perch on the couch. I pet her ears.

Rosie after my mother rose.

Eli was my oldest day I got him the day I got accepted into the dpd. So I could have family. Then it was Simon then blue then Eddie and venom. Eli was family I couldn't lose him. The door then opened. I had wrapped up my cuts they were bleeding to much.

"He's sick."I whimpered. Conan looked at the kennel that Eli was in." Let's get him to the vet."Conan said taking the kennel then my hand.

Hey guys I'm so happy you are reading my book every time I see a comment I get so happy I'm really glad you liked the story enough to read to this point I'm working on chapters don't work

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