Chapter 1

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RK900's POV.

I woke up and began looking around. It was brighter in the room. I checked the time, it was 6:35 a.m. on a Monday morning. I walked into the kitchen, excepting the pair to be up already but they weren't. I walked over to their room and knocked on the door. "Lieutenant Connor, we are going to be late if you don't hurry!" I yelled a warning through the door. All I heard was the lieutenant's groan, then footsteps. Connor was still in PJs and was holding some clothes.

"I'll take a shower first while you and Hank eat," he said to the man laying down. He got up and nodded his head okay. We walked into the kitchen. He opened his fridge, it had a lot of beers. He looked at them softly, then looked up to the picture sitting on the table. He groaned and grabbed the milk. My LD flashed yellow, I was confused.

Is the lieutenant a struggling ex-alcoholic? He was wearing a long-sleeve shirt, they were a little rolled up and I could see a few small cuts. Are they self inflicted? I walked over to the lieutenant. I grabbed his arm quickly, rolling up his sleeve up in the process. He had cuts leading half way up to his elbow. They all were about a day old. I dropped his arm quickly and stumbled back.

Software instability

The warning flashed again as the shock fizzled away. The lieutenant looked furious, he shoved me to the wall. "Don't you fucking say a thing to Connor, you understand me?" I nodded quickly. He let go and took the bowl of cereal he made to the table. He had finished it by the time Connor came out with his suit on. Hank went to the bathroom. I looked up towards Connor.

Should I say something? No, what if he hurts me? Why do I care if he hurts me? No, I need to say something. I can tell Connor loves hank.

"Connor, the lieutenant has about 7 cuts that are all fresh from last night," I stated the facts. Connor gasped and looked at the picture on the table, clearly upset. I identified the boy as Cole Anderson, the lieutenant's deceased son. Connor walked over to the bathroom. He entered without knocking. Something told me this wasn't the first time.

"Hank, you know you can talk to me. Why do you hide it?!" Connor cried out. The water turned off.

"Con please, I didn't want you to worry," Hank's gruff voice said, trying to calm the frantic android down.

"Not to worry me, huh? How about when you cut and die from blood loss because you cut a little too deep? What if you left me all alone, but you were wondering why I didn't notice?!" Connor yelled but he sounded like he was crying. It was now 6:50 a.m. We were going to be late.

"Connor please, I'm sorry." Hank sounded upset.

At the DPD.

7:15 a.m.

The car ride was quiet. Hank kept glancing at me, absolutely furious with me. I was not sorry whatsoever. We walked into the DPD. A shorter man looked up from the conversation he was having with a fellow officer. "If it isn't Anderson and his plastic toy, I see you got a new one, you fucking it too?" He sneered. Hank's face turned red from embarrassment and anger. I identified the man as Gavin Reed, the detective I was going to be partnered with. I ignored him and walked to the captain's office.

"Hello, I'm Rk900, the android sent by Elijah Kamski." I offered my hand. He frowned, not taking it. He instead got up and called out for Gavin.

"Fucking machines," I heard him mutter. I lowered my hand, I could see I was not very welcome. Reed walked in, seeing me for the second time.

"Ooh look, Hank's new toy." he joked, pushing me. Captain Fowler looked up, not amused.

"As you know, we have been getting a lot of android cases ever since the revolution. A prototype that was being worked on before then has been donated to the DPD to help with that," Fowler stated. Detective Reed, who was still standing, started to frown.

"What the fuck does that mean? He's been donated? Hank's getting another android." Fowler shook his head. "I don't understand how I'm involved with this shit," the detective snapped at his boss, who did not react.

"Meet your new partner, RK900," Fowler finally alerted the detective. I looked him up and down.

Maybe we could be like Hank and Connor. He's quite handsome and the scar is unique. He's shorter than me though.

Software instability

I dismissed the thoughts and warning. "I'm not going to work with this plastic prick!" Detective Reed snapped angrily. I frowned, his insult hurt more than most for some reason.

"Well I'm not to happy to work with a dick detective, but we both don't have a choice, do we Detective?" I snapped back. He looked shocked that I responded back with an insult.

"Whatever you plastic bitch," he said. Walking out quickly after him, I followed him. I sat at the empty desk in front of his. Then I was alerted of a call.

"Detective, we have a case, let's go." I followed him to his car. It was not a self driving car and it smelt of cigarette, alcohol, and a fishy smell that I couldn't quite place. Let's just say it was definitely not fish.

"If I would have known someone would be in my car today, I would have cleaned after last night," he said, getting into the car. He lit a cigarette. He started the car and began to drive.

"What is that smell? I can't place it." The curiosity took over. His face flushed red.

"Nothing," he muttered, taking a puff of his cigarette and blowing it in my face. I frowned at the action. He seemed amused. I looked him up and down. His red jacket was covered in cat hairs. He also smelled of smoke. I could tell he was recovering from a really bad hangover. His body heat was rather high but he left his jacket on for some reason.

Does he struggle like the lieutenant?

"Detective, your body heat is high, you should take off your jacket," I advised him. He groaned. We arrived at the scene.

"Gavin, we made a mistake calling you in. You can leave now," an officer said, quickly turning the detective away.

"I'm a homicide detective, I've seen worse." He pushed past the officer who looked at the ground sadly. I identified her as Officer Tina Chen. I followed the detective in. I saw a dead girl around 20 named Dakota Bridge. Her cause of death was gunshot wound to the head. This was a suicide. Gavin saw the girl and the hard edge detective, who would fight anyone, discovered his breath hitching as he saw the body. He quickly left the building and I followed. "Sorry, your um-right i-it was a mistake c-calling me here. I'll see you back at the D-DPD," he stuttered. His heart rate had gone up, he was having a panic attack. I helped him back to the car.

"Detective breathe in..." I paused, "and out. In... and out," he followed my instructions. "It's okay Detective. She's gone now, there is nothing you can do. You are fine," I said softly.

"God damn it! I'm not fine it should of been me!" he cried out. I didn't understand what he meant by that. I was not going to push but I knew he was not talking about that girl anymore... Right? He quickly pulled a cigarette out and began to smoke it. We drove back to the DPD. Once we arrived, an officer went up to Gavin.

"I'm sorry I accidently sent you that case. It was a mistake," he apologized.

"Why would I fucking care moron? All that happened was you wasting my time, I have other cases," he said, irritated. He acted like he didn't have a panic attack. Anyone that got in his way he cussed out. I followed behind him.

"Get me coffee dipshit!" he yelled at me. It was not my job but I decided to do as he told me. I brought him a coffee and offered him it. "Why the fuck would I want coffee you made?! You good for nothing plastic bitch!"

Software instability

I ignored the warning and angrily poured the coffee down his shirt. He jumped up. "Fucking tin can!" he yelled, storming off to the bathroom. I smirked then relaxed, I shouldn't have gotten angry. I'm an android after all.

Author-Chan here so what's up I hope everyone is enjoying the story I'll be uploading every Tuesday and Friday my old books schedule which if you haven't read you should it's called different blood same feelings it's ok but I think this one will be better

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