Chapter 3

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RK900's POV.

"Conan," Gavin decided, finishing his sentence. I liked the name so I nodded.

"That will do." I have an emotionless response.

After the investigation.

Gavin had gotten food and was eating it now on top of his car while smoking a cigarette. I was standing by the car, hoping he wouldn't fall. He got down. I got closer to him and looked down slightly to meet his eyes. I grabbed his wrist. "Gavin can we talk about this?" I held his wrist up slightly. He shook his head furiously.

"No we can not," he snapped. I sighed, blocking his car door.

"We need to talk. Please," I said, trying to get through his thick skull.

"No fuckface!" he yelled at me. I lowered my face closer to his, our lips almost touching.

"Please for me." And that was my last memory.

Gavin's POV.

I pulled my gun out and shot him. "Fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" I swore over and over again.

I could lose my job because of this. Who cares about that? I was starting to care for him. We almost kissed. I actually wanted to kiss him. I groaned, pulling on my hair. I realized that no cameras were around the area. I'm sorry Conan, I'm going to have to lie.

Conan's POV.

I woke up in Kamski's mansion. "Hello Conan, that dickweed shot you," Elijah said, annoyed. I nodded. "You were so close to deviancy." He groaned.

Was I? My creator paced back and forward, annoyed.

"If anyone finds out he shot you he will lose his job." I nodded.

Isn't that what he wanted? For some reason, that's not what I wanted.

Software instability

The familiar warning appeared.

"You could cost him his job... your memories at least. Oh whatever, he's hurting himself. Is it because of--UGH!" he groaned, flopping onto the couch in the other room. "I'm so fucking stupid," Elijah cursed himself.

"Most people classify you as a genius," I stated from my research. He cupped his hands around his face and breathed deeply.

"Oh what have I done," he said softly. "Conan, as an order from me, your creator, you will go along with whatever lie Gavin Reed tells. Understand me?" I nodded. I could not deny him, after all he's my creator.

Gavin's POV.

At the DPD, the next day.

I watched him walk in. His once ice blue eyes that were full of life, were now a lifeless grey. "I was instructed to go with whatever lie you told the captain about my destruction." Connor walked over to Conan.

"Nines you're back." He smiled a lopsided grin, it was not as cute as when Conan smiled. I dug my nails into my palm.

I can't feel things. Not for him.

"Okay, we have a lead on the case you started without me yesterday when I was interrupted." He said walking towards he exit I grabbed my gun.
I pulled a cigarette out.

Conan's POV.

Abandoned building.

We pulled up to the building.

"The suspect was last seen at the this location," I informed my partner.
He nodded and pulled a gun out of his pocket. He then took off safety and loaded it. I flinched.

Software instability

The warning took me off guard. I felt something at the sight of the gun. Something primal. I couldn't place my finger on the feeling then I realized what it was... Fear. We walked towards the building. I keep glancing back to Gavin who was holding the gun. We entered slowly. A loud crash from outside and a thug altered me. I ran outside and saw a man running away. I ran after him quickly. He was not fast enough, I'm an android and he was injured. He stopped and turned. I would stand my ground. "You are under arrest. I'm detective model RK900, I work for the DPD. Get on the ground!" I yelled. "You have the right to may silent and to an attorney," I told him his rights. Then he pulled a gun out. I couldn't move.

Move! You have to move now! I yelled at myself. I couldn't. I heard a gunshot and turned to see Gavin pointing a gun at the suspect. The man lowered his gun. Gavin started to slowly approach, lowering his gun too.
Then I was shot.

30 minutes till shut down
Software instability

Th warnings flashed. I touch the wound. "Gavin please help, I don't want to die," I whimpered.
Gavin looked at me then to the suspect. The man started running. Gavin shot him in the left leg.

"Okay, get in the car."

Gavin's POV.

We were too far from the DPD. Where is the closest place I can fix him? He lives near here. We can't save him, he hates you. Let the android die. He doesn't matter. The voice in my head whispered. I ignored it. I drove quickly, well over the speed limit.

"15 minutes till shutdown," he muttered, holding the arm that was shot. I pulled into his driveway. My brother could fix this. I remembered thinking that the day they kicked me out. I started banging on the door.
A girl that was not an android opened the door. I pushed past her.

"Elijah please help," I cried out into the massive house. He appeared wearing a robe.

"Gavin..." his facial expression softened.

"Help him please," I muttered. I looked to the android I was holding up. He looked so scared. He walked over and hoisted the android on his shoulders. Conan and him walked out of the room while I paced.

If he got hurt it's my fault. Why do I care so much? He's my friend. I hate him... or do I--why is he my friend? I had given the DPD my last location and a description of the suspect. I told them that I had shot him. I was so tired. The room seemed to be slightly spinning.

"Fuck," I muttered before everything went dark. I hated that this happened often.

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