Chapter 8

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I'm acatually dedicating this story to someone when I update they almost always comment that the chapter was awesome and I hate the way the I write but this person made me realize maybe I'm not as bad as I think


Conan's POV
I woke up.  Gavin was still asleep.
He usually woke up before and started to work out. I put a small pill on his night stand. I went into the kitchen and grabbed a two water bottles. I put one on the nightstand.

I quickly changed into a black t-shirt and jeans. I grabbed another pill. I put the pill and bottle  of water on the coffee table for when Tina woke up.

I then went to the kitchen to make pancakes the worlds best hang over food. As Gavin likes to call it. I opened the dishwasher.

"Simon what the hell." I mutter looking into the dishwasher to see the grey cat sleeping in there.

I picked him and put him on the cat tree. Venom and Eddie were curled up asleep on the bottom and at the top blue slept.

Eli was cuddled with Gavin.
I left Simon on the middle of the cat tree.
I continued to cook the pancakes

An hour later

I had about 3 pancakes for each of them. I cooked some bacon.  I was still cooking when I felt arms warp around my waist. A soft bite on my ear.

" Morning my prince." I said softly.
" I'm a not your princess anymore."
He teased.

" Do you want to be my princess." I said turning around. I kissed him.

"I need more." He said in a needy voice. I kissed him he tried to fight for dominance. I quickly won. I started to kiss his neck I bit down. He groaned .

" I'm still here." Tina said walking in.Gavin face turned a bright red.

" I can explain." He sputtered.
He didn't remembering drunkly telling Tina about us. I shook my head and chuckled." You did while drunk." Tina scoffed." Also go put a shirt on we have guest you dork." I said shoving Gavin.

" Plastic prick."

" Dick detective."

He frowned and walked off flipping me off in the process.

Tina was laughing. I handed her a plate of pancakes.

" So tell me your secret how did you make him gay. How'd you turn him." Tina asked. I was confused.

" He can't really be gay. I mean we always joked about faggots. I remember him get really upset when he had to talk to a gay guy." I frowned.

She continued to stuff her mouth.

"I didn't turn him."

" So your saying he was secretly gay this entire time or bisexual." I nodded.

" Gavin a faggot I don't believe you."

" Well you should." I looked up and smiled." I've been gay my entire life. I'm just really good at hiding it. The reason I was upset when I talked to the gay suspectwas cause he rejected me."

Tina frowned.

" Well if your gay I guess I'll have to accept you." Gavin forced a smile on his face. I noticed he was wearing a jacket.

Oh Gavin. Tina stood up." Whelp I should get home bill will be wondering where I am." Tina smiled and patted Gavin on the back. As soon as she left.

" Jacket off now."

" Kinky." He teased. I took a step forward." Gavin now." He slipped the jacket off. No new cuts." Pants." Nothing. I felt bad for accusing him. He pulled his pants up.

" Gavin shirt off."

" Jesus do you have a warrant detective deviant." He teased pulled the white undershirt off. Shoulder down to the elbow. New cuts lined. Some a few days old but the ones are his arms and legs are weeks old." I thought you stop." I said softly.

He looked down." Im sorry."

" Don't be sorry be happy."

" I'm trying ."

" I know."

He sighed and looked down. I kissed him." I love you and I will try and help you."
He smiled. A loud knock on the door interrupted us.

"Reed we need your help on a case I know it's your day off. Connor is getting Conan so let's go." Hank yelled knocking again.

We both looked at each other panic. Gavin was shirtless and I was in my pjs still.

Gavin opened the door. " Ok I'll meet you there." He said calmly I checked his heart rate it was high. He was panicking.

"No let's just take my car get a shirt on and your badge and we can go." Hank pressured

Gavin who opened the door all the way to show me in the background. Hank looked shocked.

" Hello Lieutenant." I waved blushing.

Gavin and I got dressed quickly and went to the lieutenants car. Gavin sat on the back I sat in the front next to hank.

"So you guys are hanging out." I nodded." Please don't say anything to Connor he will be upset I didn't tell him make an excuse for me."
I begged hank who still looked really shocked from finding us together.

I then got a call." Connor came by and I told him you were out for a walk." Markus said to me.

I told hank where to go." drop me off here and don't say anything please." He nodded understanding the feeling of being in a secret relationship with his partner. Gavin sat up front with hank.

" I'm sorry I have to leave you alone." I
apologized. He grabbed my hand.

" He knows so." I kissed his forehead.

" You're such a tease."

I walked to Jericho." Oh hello Connor." I said when I saw him waiting.

" We have a case we need yours and reeds help I know you two don't get along that well but we need your help." I nodded. Hank then pulled up.We got in the back.

"Lieutenant, detective ." I greeted them.
" I have to work with this fucking prick. Fuck me if I knew that I wouldn't of agreed." Gavin groaned.

" Detective shut up or else." I warned him.
I hated being mean but I didn't want to blow our cover. Hank looked shocked we were being mean to each other.

But a little over thirty minutes ago he saw Gavin and I in the same apartment and Gavin shirtless.

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