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Hello sorry it took so long to get this out I've lost Inspiration for writing everything and I'm no longer in the DBH fandom also my mental health is just a mess but I will try and continue writing spideypool

A years later Gavin's pov

I pace back and forward. Today's the day.
What if he doesn't want to go through with this. What if he doesn't really love me.

" Gav stop pacing it's annoying." My brother says annoyed.

I turn to look at Elijah. I forgot he was here. He should hate me. Why doesn't he?  It was my fault she died.

" Sorry." I mutter anxiously. I fee a hand on my back. I come to a stop. I look to see my smiling brother. Who frown when he sees my face. Tears coat my face. Why was I crying. Stupid so stupid.

" Hey bro don't cry." He says tentatively. I sniffle. He hugs me awkwardly.

" Why don't you hate me." I whimper. He stops the hug and hits me over the head. I gasp out in pain.

" I don't hate you. I've never hated you stupid." Elijah snaps.

" I killed her it was my fault."

" No father killed mom not you."

He sighs and walks back to his chair. His hand covers his face. He looks exhausted.

" I can't do this Eli. He's doesn't love me he just pity's me.." I choke out.

" Conan does not pity you. I know that because I once walked in on you tied up and him." He stops mid sentence and gags. My face turns bright red.

" What! When did this happen?" I shout.

" Last week. When I came to get you. Why do you think I was an hour late."

Oh my god. I can't believe this. That's so embarrassing. I squeak embarrassingly. My brother laughs awkwardly.

" I get it though. You decided to separate for an entire week before the wedding obviously you were going to make sure you had a good day before you left."

I look away embarrassed. He walked in on me and Conan. That's awful.

" What I am saying is he obviously love you."

I remember all the time we've spent together. The fights the sweet moments. I love Conan.

Conans pov the same time as Gavin's.

Im doing this. I'm marrying Gavin. I can't believe this. Straighten my Bowie. The room getting dressed in is mediums sized. But it was crowded as there was 8 occupants.

I looked over at my brother. He was dressed in a black tux. He looked nice. He was helping me dress up the children. I smiled fondly at them. Eddie, Venom, sleeper, and Simon wore little tuxes. Blue and rose wore little dresses. They were the cutest.

" You look happy." Connor states.

" Really I look happy on my wedding day. I have no clue why." I deadpan.

My brother snorts. He's holding Blue. The other cats on lounging around. Except Simon where the hell is he. I look around I go to the small closet in the room. There is a tiny chest in there. It's locked. I find the key and open it. Simon looks up annoyed.

" You are a magical cat you know that." I say playfully to the cat.

" He could of died." Connor says worriedly.

" Con trust me. I was saw him in the washing machine I jokingly close the door and walked out of the room and he was sitting on the kitchen counter." I say laughing.

Connor looks amazed. He picks up Simon. He holds him close. Whispering sweet things to the cat who looked exhausted.

I look at the clock and grabbed Connors arm. We walked into the room where everyone sat. We put the cats down in the first row. They sat obediently. We stood at the alter.

The pianist open the piano to play the music to signal the start of the wedding. Simon jumped out. The woman looked shocked. I snickered.

The music starts. Everyone stands up. Gavin walks in he's wearing a deep red suit. He's breathtaking. His brother his next to him. He's wearing a boring grey suit.

They make it to the alter. The priest smiles. I smile at Gavin who smiles back. The priest opens his book.

" Friend family we are gathered to witness the uniting of these two souls." The priest starts out.

" Conan 900 do you take Gavin to love and hold forever. Through health and sickness, rich and poor. Till death do you part."

" I do." I breath out.

" Gavin Reed do you take Conan 900 to love and hold forever. Through health and sickness, rich and poor. Till death do you part."

" Hell yea."

The crowd laughs and I with them. Smiling fondly at my human.

" I announce you husband and husband. You may know kiss the groom."

I pull Gavin into a deep kiss full of passion and love. This is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. Forever and ever. We finally part. Everyone is cheering. Gavin's crying.

" Don't cry babe." I mummer softly wiping his tears.

" Conan I love you more than words can convey."

" I know honey."

He huffs a little playfully shoving me. I kiss him against a short peck.

" I love you Gavin. No I live for you and only you and I will die for you again and again. You are the only thing I need to survive." I tell him.

" Well I would say same but I'm human so I need air and food and other shit." He teases.

I smile softly. This is truly the happiest day of my life.

That's it oof it's over I'm sorry it's so short and stuff I'm just not inspired any more I do hope you enjoyed

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