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The boys were so loud I had the impression you could here them all the way back in France. Even if it didn't really bother me, I wasn't used to it, having two sisters and everything. The normal sounds at home were giggling, bickering or complete silence, but never cheerful shouts. I didn't mind either.

Vanessa nearly ran down the stairs to welcome her family. I say nearly, because she was still wearing her high-heels, but she still went down very fast. As she reached the last step of the staircase, the door jerked open and in came her two younger sons, Hugo and Tom.

'Mummy, Mummy, you'll never believe who we saw!!! It was so awesome why didn't you come?'

'I missed you too, boys...' Vanessa answered. 'But you know I couldn't come this week. Who did you see?'

'Owen Farell!!!' They both shouted at the same time. I was still lingering in the stairs; though I wasn't usually shy, I didn't want to intrude on their family reunion.

'Wow that's awesome guys! Where did you see him?'

I stopped in the middle of my step. They'd seen Owen Farell?! I was so jealous.

'Our neighbour is one of his best friends, he was staying at his place for the week end with his girlfriend.' Said Hugo.

'Yeah and we had autographs and he played rugby with us!!!' Yelled Tom.

Oliver came in the house carrying bags 'Wow, calm down guys! You don't realise how loud you two are.'

'Yeah the crazy old lady next door is going to complain again.' Added Alex coming in after his brother.

'God, have none of you got manners? Where's the 'hi Mum' I'm supposed to receive after one week of not seeing me? Plus don't insult Mrs Macdonald, she's old and has been very ill, it is not nice to call her crazy.' Vanessa said, annoyance seaming through her words.

'Hi Mum!' Oliver said, hugging his mother. 'How's your week without us been? Silent? Boring?'

'Resting, I'd say, or am I wrong honey?' Patrick came into the entrance and kissed his wife. 'I missed you.'

'Me too, dear.' You could tell these two were really in love just at the look on their faces right now. Vanessa turned around a little reluctantly, and called out 'Now Emma stop lurking in the shadows of the stairs and come and say hello to your family for the next six months.'

I felt quite self-conscious as I came down the stairs. The guys, especially Oliver and Alex, were looking at me from head to toes appreciatively.

'Well, well Alex... You forgot to mention that are new "sister" was grown into quite a hottie!' Oliver said, air-quoting 'sister' and nodging Alex with his elbow.

'Trust me, if I'd known, I would've personally made sure her bedroom was closer to mine.' His brother answered, winking at him.

'Isn't that thought a little incestuous if I am to be your sister?' I asked, smiling and raising an eyebrow.

'Well I don't know, look at Game of Thrones... Incest is the new trend!' He replied, winking at me this time.

'Umm...' I said, faking to think. 'But one will get killed by her sibling... Not great if you want my advice...'

'Hey don't spoil!! I'm not listening anymore!' He covered his ears with his hands and started singing 'Lalalalala'. Goofy, as usual.

'Nice! Normally, nobody can answer him when he starts taking examples from Game of Thrones... Well, now the difficult part is to shut him up!' Oliver bowed, winking. 'Welcome, Master.' He engulfed me in a bear hug. 'Oh but wait... It's true you're French! La bise!' He kissed me on both cheeks.

'Could you let go of her now and stop making inappropriate comments?' Asked Vanessa. ' I am so sorry Emma, please forgive these two.' She turned to Oliver and Alex, who were looking sheepishly at their feet, though Alex was still singing and covering his ears. 'You're making her feel uncomfortable.'

'Oh, don't worry about me.' I smiled, before turning to their dad. 'Hello, Patrick.'

'Hey kiddo.' He answered, hugging me.

Hugo and Tom both said hi and hugged me, before running upstairs with their bags. Vanessa and Patrick disappeared in the kitchen, talking about the week and what we were going to eat tonight. Oliver, Alex and I stayed in the entrance.

'You can stop singing now, you know! She's stopped spoiling your Game of Thrones!' Said Oliver, lifting one of Alex's hands off his ears. He stopped, and we stood in an awkward silence for minutes that seemed to stretch like hours.

'Oh, sorry!' Alex finally spoke, breaking the silence. 'With all the spoiling and stuff, I didn't get to say hello to you. Hi Em.' He said, smiling with his killer-smile. The use of the nickname was sweet, but I knew better than to fall for it, especially when it was used with that smile. God, that smile... Stop gawking, I told myself.

'Hey, Alex.' I replied warily.

'You know, I'll need compensation for that spoiler...' He said, coming slowly towards me. Instinctively I moved backwards.

'Oh yeah?'

'You know... Instead of hugging me or kissing "la bise", we could... I don't know... French kiss?' He asked, a smirk playing on his perfect lips.

Oliver cleared his throat. 'Though I would probably appreciate the sight, I am not a great fan of that idea...' He stretched. 'After an hour in the car, I really want to go stretch my legs. Fancy a rugby in Green Park anybody?'

'Sure! I'll be down in a minute!' I answered, thankful for the diversion, as I started to go up the stairs.

'Yeah! I'll go ask if Hugo or Tom wants to go too.' Said Alex following me. I let him go first and mouthed a 'Thank you' to Oliver.

'Meet you down in five then!' He replied, winking.

I continued going up. Alex was waiting for me on the second landing.

'Though you might think otherwise, this is not over.' He said, smirking.

'What isn't?' I replied innocently.

'You owe me a French kiss. And sooner or later, you will give it to me!'

'Dream on!' I replied as I entered my room. I was smiling like an idiot though.


Okay, so this part is slightly shorter than the others but you get a first view of Alex and Oliver's characters :)

Next chapter you'll have a better view of Hugo and Tom's characters.

Thanks for reading!


the_rugbywoman :)

P.S.: England's feminine team is champion of the world! Yay!

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