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This chapter is a little special; It's only text messages. I've never done it before so I hope you'll enjoy it! :)
Just to clear some things out for later in the chapter: Emma's surname is De La Tour.

4 unread messages from: unknown number
Unknown number: hi
It's Henry, btw
(From M&S)
How are you?

3 unread messages from: unknown number
Unknown number: Don't think you're going to get away with this.
You're going down next time
We'll make sure I'm not bothered by Mrs MacDonald, and you'll see, I'll win

2 unread messages from: Lili
Lili: hey
I'll need help to pick what I'm gonna wear on my date... Care to help me? :) (please, please, pretty please with a cherry on top?)

1 unread message from: unknown number
Unknown number: hi it's Oliver, here's my number

Emma: hey Henry how are you?
Henry M&S: Fine, thanks
This May sound a little direct but are you doing anything on Saturday night?
Emma: I'll check :)
Henry M&S: ok, don't worry it's not urgent :)

Switch conversation:
Emma: stop being such a bad loser Alex
If anyone was bothered by Mrs MacDonald, it was me: that woman is really scary :/
Alex: please. I'm like the best loser in the Universe. :D
Emma: yeah right
You know that instead of texting me you could've actually got up and come up here?
Alex: And why wouldn't YOU be the one moving?
Emma: because I'm your guest
Alex: nope
Emma: ?
Alex: you're mum and dad's guest. I'm just living under the same roof as you.
Plus, we used to have virtual conversations all the time, no?
Emma: debating about rugby.
I would've been fine debating it face to face you know.
Alex: I'm sure the fact you were behind a screen actually left you time to have great comebacks.
Emma: Touché
btw, the rugby match is on Saturday night, right?
Alex: yep.
Emma: okay thanks :)

Switch conversation
Emma: sorry I'm doing something on Saturday :/
Henry M&S: it's ok
I'll find something else :)
Emma: cool :)
Henry M&S: can I ask you something?
Emma: go ahead and shoot :)
Henry M&S: why did you give me your number?
Not that I'm complaining or anything
Emma: honestly?
Henry M&S: if possible :)
Emma: I have no idea
Henry M&S: ok :)
So I guess it's not something you do on a regular basis?
Giving your number to a complete stranger I mean
Emma: you're making it sound worse than it actually is :(
No I don't do that everyday :)
Henry M&S: I didn't mean it to sound bad, sorry
thank you
Emma: for what?
Henry M&S: for trusting me
Emma: oh, you're welcome :)

1 new message from: Alex
Switch conversation
Alex: hey, you know how I've got your number under "Emma DLT"?
Emma: yeah?
Alex: every time I receive a message from you, I think of a sandwich :D
Emma: -.-
You made up that joke when we were 12 years old, dude.
Alex: I know, but it's brilliant
Emma: no it's not
Stop being such a kid
Alex: you're mean :'(
Emma: I told you, only you bring out that side of me
Alex: why don't you like me?
Emma: you should really go to bed. 11:45 pm is too late for a 12 year old :)
Alex: I'm serious Emma. Why don't you like me?
Emma: ?
What are you talking about?
Alex: I'm not blind Emma; I can see you don't like me.
Emma: sorry to disappoint you, but if I didn't like you, I wouldn't have palmed karaoke with you tonight
Alex: yeah right
Emma: I mean it.
Don't believe me if you want, but I don't "don't like you"
Alex: so does that mean you like me? :D
Emma: I wouldn't go THAT far
Alex: you're being mean again :'(
Emma: you're no fun

1 new message from: Lili
Switch conversation
Lili: Emma why aren't you answering??? :'( I can see you read my message
Emma: sorry babe :-*
Lili: what's up? You didn't answer my first question
Emma: I'm actually texting two other people right now
Lili: and who are they? I should be your the one you answer in priority :(
Emma: I'm texting Alex and a guy I met shopping today
Lili: isn't Alex living in the same house as you?
Emma: yep, why?
Lili: is he out or something?
Emma: no
Lili: you do realise normal people who are under the same roof tend to TALK to each other?
You know, like expressing yourselves through your mouth and stuff
Emma: I suggested we did do that but he won't move from his bedroom
And I am not going down. My bed is too comfy :D
Lili: you two are unbelievable
Emma: what's unbelievable about us?
Lili: you're like children
Emma: in what way?
Lili: 1) you are stubborn
2) you are blind
Emma: blind?
Lili: yep
Emma: why?
Lili: nvr mind
Emma: and for the first one, I think since I kicked his ass at karaoke, he could have the decency to be the one moving
Lili: you played karaoke?
Whose initiative was it?
Emma: his
Lili: aw, Alex
Emma: ?
Lili: nvr mind :)
Anyway, and so who's that other guy? ;)
Emma: it's complicated
Lili: even more interesting ;)
Emma: he's just a guy I met in M&S
He asked me for my number
Lili: and you gave it to him???
Emma: he seems like a nice guy
Lili: hitler seemed like a nice guy before he started killing everybody who wasn't aryan!
are you out of your mind? He's a stranger!!!
Emma: and?
He's our age
I think
And he's hot
Lili: I'll talk to you tomorrow and you can explain everything that happened when you're not insane
Emma: you know me; I'm always insane ;)
Lili: looks like you have gotten even more insane
Emma: it's Alex's fault
Lili: yeah right
Good night insane girl :) :-*
Emma: good night :-*

1 unread message from: Alex
Switch conversation
Alex: you're the one who's no fun
Emma: yeah yeah
Alex: anyway, good night sleeping beauty ;)
Emma: good night :)
Alex: aw you didn't call me anything sweet :(
Emma: good night kicked-arse ;)
Alex: I don't know if that counts as sweet
But I'll let it go for now
Good night
Emma: good night

Hey again!
Hope it wasn't too boring :)
210 reads o.O thank you all so much!!! (It may sound little compared to other books which have like 210K reads, but it means the world to me)
I have a question, for those who want to answer it, it would be great: I'd like to write chapters in Alex's point of view, but should I post them as extra chapters or as part of the story?
Thanks again and see you (I hope) soon!

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