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Luckily, Kate did not wake up during the night, so I got to sleep till 7am, when she finally woke up. She had slept next to me in my big bed, because she didn't want to sleep in the foldable crib she was supposed to sleep in. The said crib was at the foot of my bed, but apparently the little girl didn't want to be that far away from me.


I was still a little tired, but I'd had a decent amount of sleep, so I took her downstairs and started preparing her breakfast. She sat on a high chair and talked about her life. It's amazing how little kids make their days sound exciting and interesting, when the only thing they do all day is eat, watch tv, go to the park or for a walk, sleep and play all day.

Well, when you look at it that way, it does seem more exciting than going to school ten hours, and be tired all day because you went to bed late because you hung out and chatted with your friends till late and came back to a ton of homework.

I gave Kate her hot chocolate and started to spread Nutella on her toast.

"Hi girls! Oh, Emma, would you mind doing some for me too, please?" I lifted my head to see Alex eyeing the toast in my hands with envy. Kate squealed when she saw her cousin, nearly dropping her hot chocolate cup, but hopefully, Alex got a hold of it before she could let go of it.

"Hey Katie, I'm happy to see you too." He hugged her.

Kate, who was already really lively before he arrived, started babbling even more, looking at him, her bright blue eyes filled with admiration.

I caught myself thinking that if his three-year old cousin was looking at him that way, it wasn't hard to think that Alex had a lot of girls falling head over heals for him. I mean, he definitely rocked the t-shirt/shorts look, and his naturally dishevelled hair just added to his good looks. Fortunately, Alex was too absorbed in taking care of his cousin to notice me checking him out. That would only contribute to blowing up his already oversized ego.

I continued spreading the Nutella on the bread, and then gave the toast to Kate.

"Could you make me some too?" Alex repeated.

"I think you're old enough to make your own." I answered, smiling.

"Please?" He batted his eyelashes.

"I'll make you some if I get something in exchange." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Would my eternal thanks do?" He tried.

"Nah, not good enough." I shook my head. "Make some tea and we'll be even." I smiled.


We swaped a cup of tea against a plate of toast and Nutella, and not long after, Hugo, Tom, Harry and Charles came down, a little tired because they had chatted a lot before going to sleep. I left at that moment to have my shower, but also to avoid spreading Nutella on bread the whole morning. I felt kind of bad abandoning Alex like that, but then I crossed paths with Oliver and thought both of them should manage to take care of the five kids.

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