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Previously, in The six-month housemate: Emma and Alex spent an evening trying to find present ideas for the members of the Dalton family. They've agreed to go on a present hunt the next day, before going on separate dates with their partners (Johannah for Alex, Henry for Emma). (The return of the summary :p)


The next morning, Alex and I took our time to get ready, but we still managed to be out by 10am. Our first destination was Waterstones, and we decided to walk there, as the weather was rather nice, though cold.

I burried my head in my large woollen scarf as we walked, hugging myself to get warmer. The brisk air whisked my cheeks, and I was glad I was wearing a woolly hat, for my ears' sake. Even though I'd dressed with several layers to protect myself from the cold, it seemed like the slight wind managed to creep into every seem of my clothes, including my big winter-coat.

"You should sleep more, you look like a ghost. No wonder you're cold!" Alex said as he slipped an arm around my shoulders and rubbed my left arm.

"Easier said than done." I shivered.

Fortunately, we soon reached the bookstore. The warm atmosphere hit me as I opened the door, and I exhaled in delight at the beautiful sight in front of me: books, hundreds of books, awaiting a reader. I unzipped my coat, suddenly feeling almost too hot. As we roamed through the floors, we noticed that the store at this hour was almost empty, which left us with great game opportunities.

For example, we walked through the young adult section, picking random books and trying to guess what they were about based off the title. We also started acting out random Shakespeare scenes, like the famous balcony scene in Romeo and Juliet, or some of Hamlet's soliloquies. Though it was hilarious, and some kids actually sat down to watch our dreadful acting, some librarians started frowning at us, so we stopped so we wouldn't get kicked out (you never know).

"You know, I had an idea for your parents." I told Alex after we'd paid for the books. I'd even managed to get Jonny Wilkinson's autobiography while we were in the sports' section and Alex wasn't looking, and pay for it when Alex left to get something before we paid.

"Oh yeah?"

"I thought we could go to Fortnum & Mason's. They have really good Christmas biscuits, so that could be an idea, but they also have non-food related things."

"Sounds like a plan." Alex smiled.

"Cool! I love that place." I smiled.

"Have you ever had tea there?"

"Every time I came to visit my aunt, uncle and cousins."

"That's cool. Did they move? I mean, I guess if they were still living here you would be living with them." He asked curiously.

"Their residence is still in London, and living with them actually was my original plan, but they're on a world tour. No offence, but I didn't really want to live with you."

"Ouch." Alex grimaced.

"Aw, come on. The main reason was that it was all my mother's plan, and you know how I feel about my mother. I'm really happy to be here now." I took his hand in mine and squeezed it.

"Yeah, yeah. What's the other reason?"

"What do you mean?"

"You said that was the main reason; there must've been another one for it to be "the main"." He air-quoted.

"I- I was just wasn't confident about living in a new country, in a new home and in a new family. I mean I knew you, but the rest of your family were basically strangers to me. Except maybe Oliver." I lied.

"I get that. So, your whole London family just decided to leave on a world tour?"

"No, just my uncle and aunt. My three cousins are dispatched between Ireland, Northern England and Scotland. The two oldest are Charlotte's and Isabelle's age, and the last one is my age, but she's still at school."

"As you would be, if you hadn't skipped a grade."


"Got it."

As usual, especially at this time of the year, Fortnum and Mason's was buzzing with activity. There were tourists everywhere, taking unnecessary pictures of anything and everything. We chose to get Christmas tea for Vanessa, as she loved anything related to tea, and a box containing a champagne bottle and chocolate for Patrick and her to share. We would've found something more personnal for Patrick, but there were just too many people and we didn't know when we'd be able to find something for him later. Also, it was almost midday, so we just wanted to get out and find somewhere to eat. Call us selfish if you like.

As we walked, I realised we were close to Henry's house.

"Hey, would you mind if Henry joined us for lunch? I think he's done with finals." I asked, turning towards Alex.

"Not at all." He replied.

I dug my phone out from my pocket and dialled Henry's number. He took his time to answer, but when I thought I'd have to leave a message, he picked up.

"Hey love, what's up?" He sounded a little breathless. I heard him shush someone in the background.

"Hey! I'm in your neighbourhood with Alex and we're going to have lunch, do you want to join us?" I answered as we arrived right in front of his house.

"Oh. Um... I would've loved to come, but I have this project I need to work on with a friend for after the holidays, and we thought it'd be better if we got it over and done with."

"Oh, okay. No problem!" I tried to sound cheerful, but I was a little disappointed. Alex looked at me with a questionning look. I shook my head lightly.

"But I'll see you tonight, remember? I'm picking you up at 8pm."

"Yeah. See you later." I smiled.

"See you tonight. Love you."

"Love you too."

He hung up. As Alex and I walked away, I could've sworn I heard a feminine laugh coming from his bedroom. I shrugged it off. He hadn't specified the gender of his partner, anyway.


Sorry for the late update... But THANK YOU SO MUCH for the 500 votes!!! You have no idea how happy I am when I see that some of you are enjoying this story. I actually feel really bad for not updating, and that's how you get me to update faster (unless I went to bed at 2am because of a philosophy essay... and had to be up at 7am) :) I hope you liked this chapter, which probably be followed next week by another one (the date!).

Enjoy your Sunday!

Love, the_rugbywoman xxx

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