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When I arrived, nobody seemed to be home. The clock read 5pm. I’d kind of got lost coming back, but lost as in just wandering in the London streets, which was really nice. I’d spotted a little coffee shop which looked absolutely perfect to just hang out or work a bit and a couple of clothing stores that had nice and affordable things.


I didn’t know what to do, and I felt too lazy to do anything that could help me later, so I picked up a book in my suitcase, which happened to be Pride and Prejudice, my favourite book, and went to read in the living room. I installed myself comfortably in the seat Alex was sitting in earlier, my legs swung over the armrest.


I knew the story off by heart, but I still could read this book entirely, not missing a page, without getting bored. I don't know how many times I'll have to read it before not being excited about this story anymore.


I was reaching the moment when Darcy reveals what he knows about Wickham to Elizabeth when somebody just snatched the book out of my hands.


“Hey!” I complained. I didn’t have to look up to know who it was. Alex. Annoying as usual.


Pride and Prejudice? Haven’t you read that book enough?” He asked, wrinkling his nose. "You used to read it all the time when we were kids."


I looked up trying to look casual, but truth is, I was trying to calm my beating heart. You have no idea how scary it is to have someone creep up on you like that. Plus I was kind of amazed that he remembered that I read that book all those years ago.


“Does it matter? It's a good book!"


"Really? It's so cheesy and predictable! Seriously, you read the descriptions of the love/hate relationship Elizabeth and Darcy have and you just know they're going to end up together."


"But it's not the ending that's interesting, really, it's how they get to it!"


"Oh yeah, because a story about "oh I hate him and he hates me then I love him and he hates me and then oh now I hate him and he loves me and oh we love each other but we can't be" blablabla is interesting to you?" He replied.


"Yes. Too bad if you don't think the same, I don't care! Now give me my book back!" I said getting up from my seat and reaching for it. He was really annoying me: first, he takes my book and disturbs my reading, but then he also has the nerve to criticate the said book, when I am nearly 100% sure he never read it.


"No." Alex replied, holding it out from my reach.


I let out a huff of annonyment and stood up from my seat to look a little more intimidating.


"And why's that?"


"Because there's better stuff to do on a holiday night."

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