I'm Sorry...

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Kirishima's POV

"You do realise that isn't going to work, right?" Ashido decides to inform me. I glare at her. "Well... I- yeah. This is stupid. WAITWHYAMIDOINGTHIS!"
"Because, genius, you got dared by Sero. Now grow a pair and go over there!" Ashido looks into the hallway and spots him. She pushes me out in-front of him and runs off. Shit.

*1 Hour earlier*

I'm in my room watching YouTube when Sero texts me.
(Sero is TapeBoi™ and Kiri is HardBoi™)

TapeBoi™: Yo Kiri, come to the main room!
HardBoi™: Whyyyyy I'm comfortableeeee
TapeBoi™: Me, Ashido and Kaminari are bored so we wanna play T or D but we thought why not invite you
HardBoi™: Ughhhhh okay fine I'll be down in a sec

What I do to please my friends. Great. Now I have to get up. I turn off my phone and jump out of bed. I look at the mirror to see my hair down in a mess. I run my hand through it and just decide to put it in a low ponytail so it's out of my eyes. But of course it falls out. I sigh, pick up my phone and go into the main room.

"Yo! Kiri my bro!" I hear Kaminari shout once I walk in. Sero leans down and kisses his forehead. "EW! GET A ROOM!" Ashido shouts playfully. "You're just jealous because we have a steady working relationship," Sero replies snidely. "Am not,"
"Are too,"
"Am not,"
"Are too,"
"Okay now, please stop arguing. I have a headache just listening to you two," Kaminari says to settle them both down. I hum and nod my head in agreement. "Alright, I'm gonna get a bottle!" Ashido gets up and goes into the kitchen.

She comes back with a wine bottle, god knows where she got that from. She plops down on the floor between me and Kaminari who's currently sat on Sero, using him as a pillow. "I'll go first," I say. I spin the bottle and it lands on Ashido. "Okay Mina, truth or dare,"
"Truth, I'm gonna start off easy!"
"Okay, kiss, marry, kill Todoroki, Tokoyami and Midoriya?"
"Well, Tokoyami always wants to die so I'll kill him to help him out, I guess I'll kiss Todoroki because he's not really husband material, then I'll marry Midoriya because he's the most sensible!" Ashido replies almost instantly. "BOO! BORING!" Sero shouts, "GET TO THE GOOD STUFF!"
"Fine, fine," Ashido replies while spinning the bottle. It lands onto Kaminari who's now sat next to Sero, not on top of him.

This goes on for about 10 minutes when Sero spins the bottle and it lands on me. "Truth or dare my dude,"
"I guess I'll do dare,"
Kaminari's eyes dart to me. He pulls on Sero's t-shirt, pulling the taller boy's ear down to his mouth. They whisper to each other back and forth whilst Ashido and I just sit awkwardly. They finally finish their whisper-conversation and Sero turns to me with a devious grin on his face. "Oh god. Tell me what is it!" I moan, already regretting my decision. "You have to go to Bakugou and tell him you like him!"
"WHA- NO- WAIT-" I try to speak but the words get caught in my throat. "Dude, you've been pinning after him for months now, I think he deserves to know, and it's a dare, you can't refuse."

*Back in the present time*

And that's how I got into this situation. "Get out of my way, Shitty Hair!" Bakugou glares at me and pushes me to the side. He carries on down the hallway, towards the main room, where the kitchen is. No, now they're all gonna see my embarrassment! I sigh and jog to catch up to him. They are dead when this is over. I put my arm around Bakugou's neck and he shrugs me off and carries on walking. He gets to the kitchen, poring himself a glass of milk. "Uh, so Bakugo I-"
"Out with it Shitty Hair,"
"Hold on, it's hard to say okay!" I whimper. Right, all I need to do is breathe. "I, um- Well- It- We- Uhm-" "Right Shitty Hair, what's going on."
"I-" I sigh, my face as red as my hair. I can hear sniggering coming from the main room. Well, actions speak louder than words, right? Bakugou just turns away from me to the counter so he can prepare something to eat. I choose this as the perfect time. I turn to his direction and put my arms around his waist, hugging him from behind. He jumps and try's to turn to me, failing thanks to my grip. "W- what do you think you're doing Shitty Hair?" He questions. I look up at him to see his face is red too. Probably from something else though, I doubt he feels the same. (Just for you guys to know, this is what's going on in Bakugou's head right now: GAYPANICGAYPANIC!!! ABORTABORTABORT!!!) I just give him a weak smile and snuggle deeper into his back, savouring the touch. In a panic, Bakugou shoves me off him. "KIRISHIMA!"
"Wh- what?" I glance at the floor, finding it interesting at this particular moment.
"I asked you what the FUCK you were doing!"
" Oh not this again," He mutters and turns to leave. I cant let him leave now. I grab his hand as he's walking off and hug him tight. "Please, hold on. Don't go." I almost plead out. The once laughing trio fall silent and decide to leave to give us privacy, realising the dare was getting quite personal. Bakugou just stands there, speechless. At this point, I don't know if it's a good or bad thing. After what feels like and eternity, Bakugou questions me again, this time more softer. Almost not sounding like himself. "Kirishima. What's going on." I stay silent. "If you don't answer I'm going to have to leave." Again, I stay silent. "Kirishima, please tell me what's going on." He sounds so unlike himself, it's almost like he's softened at my touch. I sigh knowing I can't do this forever, even if I wanted to. "I- I like you Bakugou," I mutter, almost too quiet to hear. "And not like a friendship way, like, I really like you."
No response.
"I- I understand if yo- you don't feel the s- same," I choke out, holding back tears. My throat's dry and my palms are sweaty. My hearts racing 1000 mph and I feel like I'm about to pass out. I let go of him, glaring at the ground. "I'll see you around," I mutter, again, almost to quiet to hear. I turn to the hallway leading to my dorm room.

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