Professor Hiddles

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"Happy first day of classes," Tom offered you a coffee. You haven't had a morning class since first year so waking up before 10am was hard.

"Mm, thanks," you graciously accepted the mug. Your 7am alarm clock was so annoying you threw it out of the bedroom. You didn't even open your eyes until you were out of the room dragging along the blanket.
"Why are you awake? You don't have any classes today."

"Annual selfie," he quickly brought out his phone and snapped a picture of your hungover face. He got a slap from you but hardly reacted. His gaze was focused on the disheveled man carrying a blazer. The mystery man cleared his throat and suddenly everything from last night came rushing back. The heat rose up your neck as you grinned awkwardly at the man.

"Good morning," you chirped. The man smiled gratefully. His eyes kept darting to Tom when he spoke.

"Good morning! Last night was-"

"What did you do?! I go out for one-"

"Chill out- he knows who you are," you casually took a sip of your coffee and Tom paused.

"Oh. Door is over there mate, unless you want a coffee,"

"No thank you I'm good," he laughed nervously and took a step closer to you, "I'll see you around."

"Absolutely," you replied calmly. He pecked your cheek and nodded goodbye to Tom. A word wasn't spoken until he was in his car.

"Really? That guy?"

"You left me! How was I supposed to get home?" All this light made your headache worse so you reached for some sunglasses and put them on.

"Why would you fuck a 50 year old?!"

"Hey! He is not 50!" You paused, trying to remember his age, "and I'll tell you how old he is," you paused again and continued on with your coffee, ignoring his smug smirk, "another time, I have to get ready." You always made sure to look nice on the first day since that's what the professors would remember when seeing you. A dedicated student, eager to learning then never to show up again. After you got ready you noticed a number written on your notepad on your bedside table. It was signed Hope I hear from you,  T xx. You weren't going to lie you felt a little giddy that he wanted to see you again. You remembered the interesting conversations from last night. No one had ever talked the way he had and you both admitted that you loved English and loved talking about it but everyone you've ever known just thinks it's boring.

"At least you started on a low, only up from here," he asked for a high five but didn't receive one.

"I'll tell you what, if he is as old as you think he has some fucking moves,"

"Lovely," Tom's disgusted expression made you laugh.

"Where's your conquest from last night?" You asked

"Con-? Oh you mean..." he blanked but realised you didn't know her name either, "she left,"

"How early?"

"Before I got home actually,"

"Oh. Well that's a low from you, only up from here," you grabbed his hand to high five yours as a way to mock him. He smiled and let you go on with your day.


You were late but the Professor was even later. You sat in the first row closest to the podium because you couldn't read the board from so far back and being front and centre helps you concentrate more. It was 8.30 by the time he showed. Oh shit. Oh no. Oh shit. Okay. Okay calm down.

"Hi everyone. Sorry I'm late I had this amazing ni-" he paused. What were you doing in his class? You're a student? He panicked at how long he was silent for and couldn't stop staring at you. He felt so guilty yet so...not. You smiled tightly and pretended to be unaware of the circumstances. Your gaze encouraged him to continue, "night. As I'm sure many of you did as well. You all look terrible," he joked and looked around the room. "Well I hate introductions more than anyone but I'm new here. I'm Thomas Hiddleston and I'm taking over Diana Pine's Shakespeare in Literature class. I'm sure many of you had her last semester" he stopped again to take you in. Your pen was half in your mouth and you had this sorrowful look in your eyes-like it was your fault this happened. But it wasn't, nothing bad happened. Just two people who enjoy learning getting together for one crazy night. That's all. "Let's get started."

Things settled down after that. Tom got into his groove and he was hypnotizing to watch. Not only was he physically attractive, there was something about his mind, his passion for this subject that made him stand out more than any other lecturer. Although he was still a little awkward whenever you answered a question. He was undoubtedly impressed but he couldn't give you praise like he wanted to. He put in a 'yes' and a 'well done' here and there but nothing that reminded him of the night before.  You definitely made an impression on him last night but today was just as interesting. You actually took time to read the lecture before class and made your own notes beforehand. It was really rare to see that in a student, especially on the first day.

"Okay, that's all from me. We still have  20 minutes left but I'm keen for lunch so you can all leave now if you want," he made some girls laugh and people started exiting. But you stayed. There wasn't a heap of people in the theatre but now that these women crowded around Thomas you felt a little protective. Which is not good. You realised you overstayed your welcome and took your bag and left. This had to be ignored. If the school found out then that's it for you, years of education for nothing!


"He's my fucking Professor!" You barged into Tom's room who was shocked to see you home early. He had made himself quite comfortable in his bed..with his get it. He was naked.

"Wh-what?!" He slammed the laptop closed and took out his headphones.

"The guy! This morning!" Your arms were out like a hug and you fell onto him. Luckily the boner wasn't at full mast yet so Tom could adjust himself.

"The guy? The 50 year old?!"

"Maybe! I clearly don't know anything about him other than he's my fucking Lit Lecturer!" You voice was getting louder and louder with more desperation and anxiety. The realisation didn't hit you until now that what you did was possibly the lowest of the low. You looked down at Tom's bare torso. "Were you sleeping?"

"Yes! Yes I was sleeping. Let me get changed and we can go out for lunch yeah?" He avoided eye contact.

"Okay," you rose slowly, suspicious about what he was actually doing in here.


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