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"It's Friday. Pub. Now. Let's go," Tom ordered. He had a bad day needed to relax. But you weren't responsive. He called out for you and peeked into your bedroom. You had music playing so you didn't hear him. You also happened to be in your bra and undies holding up different outfits to your body. Tom cleared his throat, he was privileged enough to see you in your undergarments without you getting weirded out.

"Oh! Hey! Which one says 'too cool to care but still cute'?" you held up a black dress and then a polo. Tom entered and went through your closet.

"Your grey sweater and some dark trousers would look good," he passed them to you, "got a date or something?" he asked, noticing your make up.

"No. I have an audition,"

"Audition? You're English, I'm Acting. How does that work?"

"I'm just as surprised," you replied, putting your top on. Tom picked up the character sheet and script.

"Hiddleston? As in-"

"Professor. Yes,"

"You're not still trying to shag are you?"

"No! Of course not! He just asked if I would be interested in this and I said yes. I'm not even going to get it, there are other people trying out as well."

"Well, can I still come along? Give you some pointers to handle the nerves,"

"What nerves?"

"Your pits are glistening. Let me help out," he was desperate to spend some time with you. He feels like you've been distant lately. Not really talking, always being secretive.

"Alright then. We'll have to go now it's in half an hour,"


"There's one really good nerve technique I like. It's a camp song I think, The Banana Song?"

"Yeah? How does it go?" You were reading silently.

"BANANA'S OF THE WORLD UNITE!" He shrieked. You jumped and squealed a bit because of the volume and the car swerving silently.

"Jesus Christ in heaven, are you mental?" you slapped his arm. All he could do was laugh.

"That wasn't even it. We'll do the whole song outside the audition," And you did, the song involved regular talking and then shouting and even some dance moves. You felt fresh after doing it and in a giddy mood.

"Having fun out here?" Thomas poked his head out and smiled when he saw you. You grinned back, "I'm ready if you are,"

"Yes! Wait for me?" You turned to Tom.

"Of course," you performed your complicated handshake and hug then entered Thomas' office.

The audition went well, Thomas asked some questions about the character mainly to test if you studied her and you did. This character was the typical pixie dream girl but Thomas' script had made her three dimensional and he believed you were the best fit for it. There were no other people audition he just said that to motivate you and you blew him away. You completely became his character, he loved it.

"Thank you for coming in," Thomas opened the door for you. Tom was sitting outside biting his nails but shot up when the door opened.

"Thanks for asking me to. I really like the script. It was raw and relatable but still made me laugh for some reason" you smiled.

"Thank you. I've got my Lottie, I just need a Ben," Thomas shrugged.

"You mean-"

"Yes. To be honest, you were the only contender. I just wanted to make sure," you grinned at the news. Tom rolled his eyes, he couldn't believe you were falling for this guy's shit. There's probably not even a film date.

"Thank you. So much," you huge Thomas really tightly, released and turned to your friend, "I got it!" You hugged him too. Tom's eyes met Thomas', the tension was clear.

"Congratulations! Let's celebrate with a beer!" Tom went to grab your hand and lead you out of the building but you took control and dragged him to Thomas.

"Thomas! Tom here is actually studying acting and he really liked the script. Could he audition for Ben?" You asked. The men both exchanged a knowing look.

"Oh I don't know-" Tom began.

"I've got a few people lined up for Ben...but if you're free now I could fit you in," Thomas gave in.

"Yeah of course!" You shoved Tom into the tiny office, you waited outside. They stood silently and Tom rolled his eyes and let out a nervous chuckle.

"I don't have to do this. Don't feel obligated to consider me. She's just being...herself," Tom explained. Thomas sat at his desk.


"Yeah. You know, she's just really thoughtful. Likes helping others better themselves. She often does it in weird ways but it still works," Tom cleared his throat to clear the tension he just created by talking about you.

"Tell me more about her. I'm obviously going to get to know her little but is there anything that will help me bring out my character? What makes her angry? What makes her laugh? Jealous? Cry?" Thomas asked.

"Well asking her same question really pisses her off. Repetition. Which is why I'm confused about her doing all this," Tom paused- trying not to blow your chances at this, "she laughs a lot at me but also herself. Like when I muck up or trip over my own feet. She makes sure I'm alright and then say something so dumb like 'did you have a nice trip?' And then laugh to herself. It's painfully cute. She isn't a very jealous person...probably because of me," Tom went quiet.

"How so?"

Tom didn't want to explain his pact with a stranger but for some reason, he did, "when we were younger.."
"And so since then, she hasn't really had a relationship that wasn't on her terms. She often wants what she can't have. Sorry, I've been blabbering on, do you still mind if audition?" Holland apologized. Thomas smiled softly, the kid has no idea that he just did.

"I have no problem with you auditioning. I think you'll do great," Thomas wasn't smiling but Tom could tell he was speaking the truth in some way. Tom was taken back by this, not sure about Thomas' angle was but he went on with the audition. Quickly doing a small scene.

"How was it?" You asked. Tom nodded smugly but mockingly. He truly didn't feel like it was a real audition.

"He was great. I'll let you know tomorrow afternoon after I interview the others," the men shook hands. Grips as tight as the other, making both knuckles white.

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