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"Hey, how was it?" Tom was eating when you got home from uni. You just had your first class since kissing Thomas and it was a doozy. Another quiz followed by group work. Ugh, so terrible.

"Fine," you shrugged. "I have to give a presentation next week so I'll have company over soon."

"What day?"

"Tomorrow, Friday and possibly Sunday,"

"Okay. Hey, about the script. Are we supposed to kiss?" You took a second look, panicked. You hardly read the directions, just focusing on the lines.

"Yeah, looks like. Why? Afraid you might fall for me?" You teased.

"Yeah you'd love that," if only you both knew the truth.

The rehearsal was more of a table read to see how well the rest if the cast got on with each other. You had great chemistry with some and others were terrible and awkward but Thomas used this to his advantage by swapping parts. There weren't too many roles:

Charlotte 'Lottie' Green: Care-free mid twenties woman who just sees life to be lived. Doesn't like attachments and often finds herself with her head in the clouds. Doesn't know that her actions effect others.

Ben Singer: Lottie's love interest No.1. Always expects more from their relationship and ends up becoming something they both dislike at the end of it.

Denise Green (Lottie's Mother): Strict on her daughter. 'my way or the highway'. Divorced and has a negative view on love and marriage. Part of the reason why Lottie doesn't believe in soul mates.

Jay: Mysterious man that Lottie has a conversation with one night and let's her have her catharsis. Suspected lover No.2.

Friends/Coworkers: Ryan, Daniel, Kelly.

Opening. Slow montage of Lottie and Ben on dates and home video footage of them happy together along with nice music. Then as the music speeds up and becomes more rock and roll the nice footage is interjected with Lottie partying, smoking, drinking, kissing. Dark v Light.

Scene 2, Camera focused on Lottie as first person Pov. She's sitting on a bar stool holding a beer.

Lottie: How did I get here? Good question. Uh, my boyfriend and I had a huge fight and he threw me out
So I went to my mums, had a huge fight after a day or so and I just wanted a drink.

J: No I meant from the tube. But carry on, I have almost a full pint left.

Scene 3. Ben's Apartment. Lottie is sitting on the sofa, Ben is standing far away from her.

Lottie: What do you mean?

Ben: What do you mean, what do I mean?

Lottie: What about what do you mean, what do I mean, do you mean?

Ben: Charlotte-

Lottie: Ugh

Ben: See! There it is! You're psychotic! I'm so undeniably in love with a psychopath!

Lottie: That hurt my feelings, there you go not a psycho.

Ben: Socio then. I also noticed that you didn't say it back which means you don't feel it back.

Lottie: I don't know..

Ben: What? You don't you feel about me? I have worshipped the ground you walk on every day for a year and you still feel nothing.

Lottie: That's not true-I just-I don't to explain my feelings. I didn't grow up with the best role models.

Ben: It's divorce, Lottie. Happens to half of all marriages. Get over it. You're a big girl now. Don't cry about it, just tell me how you feel.

Lottie:...will it make a difference?

Ben: Of course it will.

Lottie: Will it, Ben? Because I'm pretty sure I've explained myself over and over again. I told you I never wanted...what we have.


Lottie: I see bags already packed and I've got a pretty strong idea about where this nights going.


Lottie: look, I think it's best if I stay at my mum's.

Ben: that's why the bags are packed. It's my apartment.

Beat. revoir..arrivederci..bon voyage...salut.

Ben: you're only using French now-

Lottie: comme ci comme ca...j'mapelle charlotte.


Lottie: okay fine. I'm going.

Scene 4. Denise's house. Small kitchen area, making tea.

Denise: But he was so nice. Why did you break up with him?

Lottie: we didn't break up. He does this every month. Aw but I've loved you ever since day one, why can't you admit you love me. Like chill out dude, we don't even have a dog together. Why would I admit that?

Denise: do you?

Lottie: what?

Denise: do you admit it? That you love him. I don't want to lose him but I don't love him. I mean, did you ever truly love dad?

Denise: once..for a week. A wild week-

Lottie: okay-

Denise: I was practically on my knees the entire 5 days in Cabo.

Lottie: Mum, stop-

Denise: He called me his naughty little sex toy-

Lottie: please stop.

Denise: and then I

Denise, Lottie: found out the bastard was already married. I almost ruined that marriage. I can't believe I signed a pre-nup.

Lottie: yep.

Another montage of the next few days. Lottie receives texts and calls from a number of people.

Scene 5, Lottie is smoking on her mum's balcony. Listening to voicemails.

Ben's voice: babe please pick up. I love you. I don't care if you're not ready. I just want you back.
Lottie please answer your phone I'm worried about you

Scene 6 footage of Lottie drinking, partying, dancing and having sex with a stranger.

"What's that? Sex? You have to do a sex scene?" Tom interrupted the session.

"Yeah, did you not read the script?" You whispered back. Tom shrugged.

"We can get a body double if that makes you more comfortable," Thomas interjected.

"I'm good," you responded.

"Tom?" Hiddleston asked Tom.


"Would you like a body double for your sex scene?"

"Um..I-" Tom looked at you for an answer but you just smiled nonchalantly. You've seen each other practically naked before so it's not anything too new. You'll just be on top of each other. "No I'm good too," he let out a breath trying not to think about the next few weeks.

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