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"I'm done crying over her," you sang along to the zen music. You were taking a shower thinking you were home alone but Tom didn't go to his tutorial today so he was home early. He smiled when you sang really loudly and your voice broke.

"Hey! I'm home!" He knocked on the bathroom door.

"Hey! Did you get the role?!" You turned the shower off and started drying. Tom leaned against the hallway wall opposite the bathroom.

"Ah yeah I did actually," Tom scratched his neck.

"That's great!" You opened the door and gave your friend a hug. "I get to see you in action once again," you punched his arm.

"Where are you off to?"

"Nowhere," you shrugged and emerged later in a semi-nice outfit.

"No one wears a sundress and flats at home...you invited him over didn't you?!" Tom snapped his fingers. You acted confused.

"I haven't the faintest clue what you're talking about," you brought out a whole chicken hat was marinating in the fridge.

"Your pants are on fire, Y/N. Come on, Hiddleston's coming over for dinner isn't he? You always make a roast for boys you like,"

"I make roasts for you all the time," you tried disproving his theory.

"Yeah. Because you're in love with me," you laughed at his joke. You liked him once a few years ago and he never let's it go, "this is too much. You already said y wouldn't pursue him,"

"I'm not! It's just tea with my Professor and roommate...who has to suddenly leave straight after," Tom was practically begging by being so close to you in the kitchen. He kept taking your apron away every time he spoke and you kept taking it back.

"Don't try this-"

"I'm not trying anythin-,"

"You're going to get hurt-"

"I'm not going-"

"He doesn't...want you," you didn't take the apron back. You stayed silent, trying to think about why you felt like you could keep pursuing him. Why was he so desirable? Why would you want to put his job and your degree at jeopardy? You swallowed the lump in your throat, accepting the truth once again. Tom felt bad saying it but he didn't apologise, you didn't expect him to either. It was the truth and there was no denying it. Tom panicked when you didn't respond and kept cutting vegetables. You sniffed and wiped your nose. He felt his heart in his stomach. He made you cry. He knew it wasn't the first time either but he was hoping that last time would be it. Little did he know you often cried over him. Your best friend. The forbidden fruit. Maybe that's why Thomas was so alluring.

"Cut these up for me? He'll be here in um..yeah soon," you sniffed again and went to the bathroom to make sure your face was okay.

"Babe.." Tom reached out for you but he couldn't explain himself. He's never been this protective and he didn't want to ruin anything between you two. So he kept his mouth shut and chopped his veggies.
You emerged a few minutes later looking completely different. Skinny jeans and a nice floral top. Tom thought you looked gorgeous still but you felt a little bad about yourself.

Tom could tell. You weren't smiling as often as before and weren't talking to him about your day. You lit some candles on the dining table but blew them out and just put a flower as the centrepiece. It wasn't as attractive as you pictured it but it was still nice. Nice enough. "Shit I forgot the wine," you groaned.

"I'll go out and get some. Don't worry,"

"No, I'll go. If Hiddleston shows up just offer him an appetizer!" You rushed to get your purse.

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