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 Rocking your hips along with Tom. His hands groped at your breasts, covering your nipples. You made sure to heave your chest to make the close ups seem believable.

"And cut! Great take guys," Thomas wanted a passionate between you and Tom and it was a little weird at first but a shot or two of vodka later you had the confidence to perform correctly. A girl passed you your t-shirt and you hopped off Tom. The nude underwear looked so ugly so you quickly got changed and emerged later in a simple dress. 

Weird thing to do Monday morning but you're happy it's out of the way. Thomas was too. He's hardly been personal with you lately but he's sure been seeing you and touching you. He wanted a chance to talk soon. About how he felt and about you felt. He cancelled class today because he really wanted to finish the film and get back to being friends with you. He didn't want to admit it because it's such an ugly emotion, but he was jealous. 

He was honest to god jealous of Tom and Jason and every other guy that had kissed you during filming. The filming today was the final straw. He didn't want a lot of nudity mainly because your supple form made him think the same dirty thoughts from the first night he met you. He wanted you now, he knew Tom was enjoying being ridden. But Hiddleston knew for a fact that you wanted him, not Tom. Your attempts to hang out with Thomas had been really obvious at the start but you cooled off pretty quickly. He wasn't expecting this, he thought you'd try harder but he admired you for listening to reason. If only he could listen too. Over the filming weeks, Thomas had been a more hands-on director intentionally to get you to notice him. It didn't work out so much in his favour but all those times you thought he wasn't looking or listening he knew you still felt something for him. Even if it was a change in breathing or the way you looked at him perform and teach, he knew you felt the same way he did.

"Could I grab you for a moment?" Thomas called you over, even your walk was mesmerizing especially with that flowy dress which clung to all the right places, "I just wanted to do one more scene tonight. You'll just be checking your phone, showing the cycle of your actions,"

"Okay," you smiled, "where will it be?"

"We can do it at mine-film. We can film at my apartment. It overlooks the city so there'd be a nice background. I do want the costume to be a man's white shirt and a lace bra if you own one,"

"Yeah, I've got the bra. I can ask Tom if he has a shirt,"

"Brilliant, see you tonight," Thomas planted a kiss on your cheek. Giving you a small flashback to the last time he did that. But this kiss had different connotations. You could feel the fire behind it. He didn't just want the lace bra for the film.


"Thanks, boys, see you later," Thomas closed the front door. It was about 9 pm and you were really cold. Thomas didn't like Tom's shirt on you and replaced it with his own, claiming that the bigger size was better. You went to his room to change while the camera crew left but you just stayed in your underwear and sat on the bed. You heard footsteps and a knock.


"May I come in?" Thomas' voice was low and seductive. You made the right call by not changing.

"Yes," you confirmed. You stood up as the door squeaked and Thomas' lip sided smile was enough incentive for you to start stripping. That and the enthusiastic run he did to the bed. His hot lips touched yours, then he sucked on your neck and breasts. Slowly grinding into you as you made out. He unhooked your bra and slid you out of everything but your g-string.

"Glorious," he commented as you dropped to your knees. You unzipped his trousers and shimmied them and his pants down springing his cock free. The first taste was delicious and you made it well known by your moan. He moaned a bit too the further you went down and even thrust his hips forward slightly. Your tongue work had him a little light-headed, "I need you. I've waited too long," he admitted, "we'll just have to keep this between us. No friends, no family. Just..us," it was upsetting for you both but it felt totally intimate. No one in the world but you two. You kissed to confirm and carried on with your night.

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