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"Officially a free woman," you put your keys on the coffee table.


"Yeah," you confirmed and cuddled up to Tom on the couch, "it went well. He made realise some stuff."

"Like what?" Like that you love your best friend more than you know and he loves you back. You still didn't want to risk it.

"Just life, man."

"Ah, I see. Advice from the elderly."

"He's not old!" you defended the age difference, "but yes. Now that we're split, I do need a date to the premiere.." you trailed off knowing he was going to agree to go with you.

"Sorry babe, I've actually got a date-well I'm asking this girl I'm seeing,"

"You're seeing a girl?" you knew Thomas had to be lying, there's no way Tom would love you.


"What's her name? What does she look like?" those questions came out a bit strong.

"Alright Mum, calm down. Her name's Amelia, she has...strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. She's very sweet and things are new so don',"

"How dare you?" you pretended to be offended, "Nah, I get it" you had a habit of being too chummy with Tom to the point where it made his girlfriends uncomfortable. You didn't realise you were doing it though, so you've stepped back in recent years. "So how did you meet?" you brought out your phone to search her up.

"We met on my boys night with Harrison. He was pretty distracted by someone else so I didn't technically ditch him," Tom explained. You were trying to find her on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram but no such luck, "she doesn't have any social media so don't even try. I'm sure you'll meet her soon."

"She doesn't know I exist, does she?"

"You're really intuitive."


You never got to meet this Amelia, Tom said she was going to the premiere so you'd meet her then. Tom was picking her up so you'd have to drive yourself there. The past few weeks have been pretty depressing, Tom was out a lot so you often ate alone. That's how you felt for most of the time; alone. You were tempted to message Thomas again for some company and met up once.

"Are you okay? I haven't heard from you in a while," Thomas showed up at your door, the night before the premiere. Tom was staying the night at Amelia's so you were home alone. You had a few glasses of wine in you so Thomas looked especially scrumptious tonight.

"Hey! How are you? Come inside it's freezing," you let him in. Thomas really was concerned about you and to say he hadn't been thinking about you a lot since the break up would be a lie. Every day he saw something that reminded him of you or he forgot that he was alone in his flat and kept looking around for someone to talk to. He didn't realise how hard he fell for you until it was too late. He drank quite a bit, you managed to catch him on a sober night, "I'm fine, I'm just..." you had to think of something quick before he grew concerned, but he was already concerned. When you didn't continue he chose to speak.

"Right. Tom here?" he took off his coat and shoes so he didn't get any mud in the house.

"Nah he's at his girlfriend's," your tone changed to depressed.

"Girlfriend? That's new,"

"Yeah, she'll be coming to the film tomorrow," you fell onto the couch and slouched back, Thomas sat by your feet, instinctively massaging them on his lap.

"And how do you feel about that?"

You took a deep breath in, enjoying the relief he brought you, "I'm alright. I'm glad he's happy,"

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