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Tom had liked you since day one. You were crying on the street just outside of the school gates and entrusted him so easily. It felt really nice. And he was so happy to be your friend, he appreciated it more than anything. Which is why he never told you. Everyone knew he was in love with you by graduation. You were each others dates to the school ball, he had the photos up around the house. It was best night of his life, you both got a little drunk and shared a sweet kiss but decided that being friends was better. There were times where he regretted that damn pact. But he just wanted you to be happy, he could deal with you crying over not having any chocolate left in the house-it was quite cute really. He always had spare snacks that he offered you in exchange for a story about your day, a smile, you name it. He just loved that smile.

He just didn't understand why you liked this Professor. Sure, he's youngish for a teacher but he didn't get what was so fascinating about him. And why he was so different than any other lover. He understood the animalistic lust we all get once in awhile so he's not too bothered by a one night stand every now and then- he even gets to yell at them the next morning and get his jealousy out- but if you got close to someone again he didn't know how he would take it.

That feeling of concern came up again in week 2. Your Monday class with Thomas. Usually by now you go to uni in your pajamas with no bra or make up on but this Monday you looked...hot. You had a nice glow and Tom certainly noticed the push up bra.

"Where are you going dressed like that?" Tom's voice was muffled by the toast in his mouth.

"Uni," you spoke nonchalantly, "why are you up early?"

"Couldn't sleep," he paused, trying not to look at you for too long, "why are you even going? You're usually sleeping off a hangover by now."

"Do you really think so little of me?" You scoffed but didn't hear an answer. "You're a right cock, aren't you?"

"At least I'm not trying to shag my professor...again," he muttered.

"It's not intentional," you started, "but if he asks to bend me over a desk I won't say no," you smiled at him. All he could do was smile politely back. Hearing those words really hurt.

The first row was packed with students this time so you took a place a few spots back. Turns out the word of the hot new professor got around campus.

"Hey guys, woah. A lot more of you than last week," Thomas eyes travelled the crowd unconsciously hoping to spot you and when he did he smiled. He was grateful that you returned it. "I'm uh," his gaze rested on you, "sorry to ask. I know you're all big kids but I actually wrote down a seating plan last week so if you've just come down today would you mind writing down your name," he pulled out and connected his laptop to the screen. There was a birds eye view sketch of the theatre on the screen and the lucky person who got to sit next to the podium was you. Thomas' breathing got a little deeper when you  sat down in front of him, he had a good view of everything. Not that your cleavage was on display, he just happened to notice it more, especially the goosebumps on your skin whenever he walked closer to you.

"I really love his comedies so I thought I'd print out some monologues and duologues and we could quickly get to know each other since I blanked last week during the introduction process," people groaned, "I know. I suck. It's just so I can get to know you better," you smiled a thank you when he passed you a duologue. It was a popular one. Beatrice and Leonato from Much Ado About Nothing. She sits and complains about men while Leonato listens. It reminded you of your friendship with Tom a little, "I'll give you 5 minutes to read and if I've given you a duologue I'll be the supporting character,"

You were first, you pulled two chairs up and directed the professor to sit in one casually. He studied the text he'd given you and smiled. You sat beside him, legs spread and arms crossed, slouching.

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