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Lottie was a little promiscuous. A lot more than you assumed but you wanted to show everyone that you were a professional, even though you were far from it. You filmed the mother-daughter scenes in the first week. Then some solo scenes in the second. It was hard keeping up with school, work and filming but Tom was with you every step of the way. You weren't getting a lot of sleep on the weekends mainly because of the long hours on set. Especially the stupid montage scenes where you had to look trashed. 

Thomas said actually drinking can help so you did. You didn't have to speak during these scenes, only dance, drink and kiss random people. Harrison was there as random guy #2 and you almost kissed him but Thomas said cut. That stroking his face was enough. There was a small scene where you were alone in your room just thinking with Thomas reading the narration for you to react to. That went well, that felt intimate even though there were other people in the room. It took a while to stop the giggles with your scene with Tom. Thomas said for you to look bored whereas Tom needs to really feel the love. It was so awkward, he suddenly didn't know where to touch you.

"Come on man, grab me. Take control, I'm really not meant to be doing anything besides laying here," you directed Toms hands to lift your butt and wrap your leg around his waist. You were happy that you didn't have to really react to much but feeling Toms touch on you was nice.

"Okay, cut. We'll try this again another time. I think we should move onto your fight," Thomas was a fine director. He was really hands on and respectful. Tom was kind of afraid to really get close to you but Thomas really became Ben. It astounded you, it astounded everyone in the room. And it certainly made burying your attraction to him harder.

Tom noticed this and felt a little emasculated that day so he came to you one night, "hey," he knocked on your door, he was in just a pair of boxers and you were in a shirt and undies getting for bed.

"Hey what's up?"

Tom walked to you and fell on your bed, "I'm a bit...I don't know, upset,"

"Why?" You frowned, worried about your friend. He turned over and laid down next to you on one side.

"I just feel like I can't play the character as well as he wants me too,"
You tilted your head came face to face with him.

"You're a brilliant actor, Tom. So what if you need a little help becoming someone else's vision. I get help every day. It gets unbearably annoying sometimes but he's just making us better,"

Tom pumped his eyebrows to say fair point and changed the topic, "why are you in on a Saturday? You've been doing so much, I thought you'd be out getting rowdy," he nudged you and you laughed.

"Nah, I'm too tired. I'm getting old," you snuggled into his chest to relax, he laid on his back and wrapped an arm around you, "this morning I had a sore knee because I sat cross-legged during breakfast,"

"Poor old gal," he kissed your forehead, "almost your time," he joked.

"I'd say so," you stretched, lifting your shirt and exposing your underwear, "you better not cry at my funeral," you yawned.

"You better not cry at mine,"

"My eulogy will be nothing but prayers containing thanks to the big guy," you changed to lay on your stomach, facing Tom, "thank you for taking this horny ass bitch away from me so I can finally go out on my own...but also give him back because I'm too scared to do that," Tom grinned at your teasing, "why aren't you out?"

"Same reason as you I guess. Old, tired and grumpy. It's just not fun anymore," he rubbed his eyes. Then sighed after a moment, he saw that your eyes were shut and felt your breathing slow down, "Oi! Don't fall asleep on me! You always drool,"

"What? No, I don't," you lifted yourself up.

"I have a favour to ask you and don't laugh at me,"

"You know I can't promise that," you responded. Tom sighed and asked anyway.

"Can we know.."


"You-know-what, the scene," Tom was squirming.

"Oh! Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I've never done it before and I don't want to embarrass myself like I did today," Tom was being serious, he'd never pressure you into doing something like this for his own benefit. You felt bad for the guy and agreed.

"Okay, get on top. Try and almost grind on my thigh but near the middle," he began moving his hips, "gee that ballet helped out didn't it?" You noticed his motions, he grinned."you're supposed to look like you're in love so maybe try holding me closer like you're afraid of losing me," he did and his crotch lined up with yours, "I guess now just do the worm?" Tom fell on top of you and laughed really hard.

"Do the worm?" His pitch heightened as he clapped and fell to your side.

"Hey, you wanted some pointers. That's the best I could think of," you explained yourself, Tom calmed himself down, "oh shit you know what I just realised,"


"People we know will watch this."

"What's so bad about that?"

"All the kissing, the lovemaking. Can you even imagine what our parents will be thinking?"

"Oh my god, I can't believe you've finally done it!" Tom imitated his mum.

"Good for you two! But you shouldn't have filmed it!" You imitated yours, "I don't get why everyone thinks we're a couple." You mumbled against his bare chest. Both of you had your eyes shut, feeling slumber taking over.

"Probably because we're always falling asleep on each other," Tom mumbled back, smiling while playing with your hair. You didn't respond, it was rare to feel this comfortable so quickly so you took advantage and let sleep take you.

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