Chapter 2

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After worrying about how people would react around her, Phoebe saw that other things had happened in the space of one week and there was other gossip going around the school. When she walked past

people she had never talked to they at least said hi and that made her feel good.

"Hey phebs." Called Savannah. "Your back, how are you."

"Oh hey Savannah, yer fine, it feels great to be back and focusing on something else for a change."

"Has anything happened between you and Daniel yet."

"No why."

"Oh well there is a rumour going around that he likes you."

"Really well he has been talking to me a lot lately."

"Oh maybe that rumour is true."

"Hey Phoebe your back at school!" Exclaimed Daniel walking up to them.

"I think the rumour is true." whispered Savannah.

"You wanna walk and talk." Asked Daniel.

"Um, yer sure."

As they walked away from Savannah, Daniel didn't say anything. When they were out of earshot from all of their friends Daniel finally spoke.

"Have you heard the rumour about me yet, has anyone told you?"

"What rumour I've heard lots this morning?"

"Oh, the one about me liking you."

"Yer, is it true?"

"Well um" Daniel hesitated for a while then out of the blue he slowly leaned in. Phoebe held her breath, she didn't quite know what to do. She closed her eyes as he got closer and waited. He kissed her slowly but passionately. It was defiantly nothing like Phoebe had ever imagined. His lips were warm and soft but yet they felt so strong and powerful, he was forceful but yet he was so gentle. After about a minute she broke away and didn't know what to say.

"Wow." She gasped

"Does that answer your question about weather I like you or not?"


Phoebe saw something out of the corner of her eye, as she turned her head around to see what it was she saw of was Savannah, Jazmine, Sebastian and Simon.

"Seems like we have some viewers." He laughed.

"Yer, just a question was that an ask out?"

"Well I guess you could call it that."

"Then it's a yes"

Phoebe walked towards her friends but kept walking around the corner. Savannah and Jazmine caught up to her.

"What was that I thought it was just a walk and talk not a kiss and tell?" Asked Savannah.

"Well I thought it was a walk and talk as well." Replied Phoebe.

"Hang on OMG did that just happen?" Said Jazmine.

"Yer it did we are kinda going out now."

"Well that's kind of obvious now."

"What are you jealous or something Jazmine?" Chuckled Phoebe.

"NO WAY. What makes you think that?"

"Your attitude towards us going out is a give away." Savannah stated.

"Well sorry but I didn't know that you liked him until you told me so I thought he was up for grabs. Now I see that you already had your heart set on him."

"Please don't turn this into a fight I just got back from recovering from you know what." Phoebe said sadly.

"Oh sorry but I think your over reaction about that whole situation, big whoop a person died, hundreds of people die each day!"

Phoebe walked away in tears.

"Okay now you have gone too far!" Yelled Savannah. "Hey Phoebe wait up"

"Why did she do that, why, I mean she knows what I've been through and I can't help it if the guy she likes, likes me and if I like him."

"I know, I know I think she's just jealous because she has never had a boyfriend."

Phoebe finally stopped and sat down on one of the seats.

"I can't believe this has all happened in a matter of minutes the school day hasn't even started."

"Look just breath, calm, relax."

"Hey, what's up, did something happen?" Asked Daniel.

"Can you tell him I don't want to think about it."

"Ok, we will be back in a minute."

As Savannah and Daniel walked a couple of meters away, Jazmine decided to come and talk to Phoebe.

"No please go away, you have already caused enough trouble this morning and I dont think I will be able to handle any more."

"Look I have just come to talk." Said Jazmine.

Phoebe got up and started to walk away.

"I don't want to talk to you."

Phoebe walked towards Savannah and Daniel.

"Are you guys done cause I can't put up with Jazmine."

"Yer, are you feeling ok?" Asked Daniel.

Before Savannah could even open her mouth Robin Williams echoed around the school.

"I guess." Savannah walked away to get her bag and head to P.C.

"Hey Phebs wait up"

As Phoebe turned around to see who was calling her name she say Jazmine. She sped up walking so Jazmine couldn't catch-up

"Don't talk to me I'm not in the mood." Phoebe said and stormed off to P.C.

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