Chapter 19

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When their meals came out the girls saw that the boys had ordered the girls favourite meals and other little dishes. The desserts were very extravagant and the girls loved it. When they thought it was all over The Kin walked out. Phoebe screamed a little. The Kin was her favourite band in the whole world. Aria looked over an saw them and screamed a little as well she loved them just as much as Phoebe. The girls had met them two weeks ago and hadn't stopped talking about them. When The Kin had greeted everyone they sat down at the next table and started to talk. After they had all finished their dinner Isaac and Thorald stood up and walked out of the room.

"Where are they going?" Phoebe asked Shakerleg.

"They just went to get something they will be back in a minute." Shakerleg replyed.


A little while later Isaac and Thorald walked back in the door. Isaac was carrying a keyboard while Thorald was carrying a guitar case. Thorald placed the guitar case down and took out the guitar and placed it on the free table. Phoebe stood up and walked over to the guitar. She looked at it in silence while Isaac set up the keyboard. Thorald closed the guitar case and handed it to Shakerleg it would work as his drums for now. Thorald walked over to Phoebe, she was looking at the pattern on the guitar. She was absolutely in love with it.

"Do u like it?" Thorald said from behind her.

She looked up at him. "Yer it's amazing how did you get it?"

"Long story and right now you need to sit back down for this."

"Ok." Phoebe replied walking back over to the table.

She sat down and as she sat down The Kin started to play. they played all her favourite songs from boy (your a pretty girl) to everything's changing and everything inbtween. she was so happy to have this amazing date with the most amazing boyfriend, bestfriend, and band. The only way that you could top this would be tickets to The Kin tickets. They talked for ages before they had to leave. Before the kin had to leave they handed Phoebe ad envelope with the words on it 'DO NOT LOOSE' she looked up at the band.

"Go on it's for you and a friend." Said Thorald.

She opened it to find two tickets and two backstage passes to their concert in Sydney. she screamed and showed Aria, Aria started screaming as well. They hugged The Kin and their boyfriends before they walked outside to see a limo to give them a lift home. it was the perfect end to a perfect date.


Photo of The Kin from left to right it goes shakerleg, Isaac then Thorald. They are my favourite band ever.

So what do you guys think of the date let me know

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