Chapter 14

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"Hey anyone want these footy tickets!" Said Jake. "Their to a wallabies, all black game!"

Phoebe got up and bolted to the pole near where Jake was but Ashton was there to.

"Me me me!" They chanted in unison.

"Ok you have to try and win them of me the question who do these tickets mean more to, ladies first." Said Jake.

"No no no, Ashton should go first because I will win for sure." She replied.

"Ok, Ashton hit me with your best shot."

"Well if I got these tickets I would take my girlfriend to the game because that is her ideal date."

"Oh nice so either way your going Phebs." Said Jake. "Your turn now Phebs."

"Well if I got these tickets I would take my grandfather because it is on both of our bucket lists. It's mainly it's on there because my granddads dad (my great grandfather) played for the wallabies and mi would just love to take him to a game which is the team that his dad played for."

"Oh well I think I'm going to give them to Phebs, sorry Ashton."

"It's ok dude she deserves them."

"Thanks babe now one question where are the seats and how much do I owe you?"

"The seats are front row seats right where the players come out wallabies side and you don't owe you anything."

"Really OMG but I have to owe you something?"

"No I won them and mum and dad don't wanna go so mum said I could give them away at school."

"OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG IM GOING TO A WALLABIE ALL BLACK GAME OMG OMG!!!" She screaming and jumping up an down.

"Well no I know first hand what a fangirl looks like." Jake chuckled.

He handed her the tickets and she ran off to put them in her bag. She started screaming again. She was so happy.

When the home time bell went for end of school she pulled her phone out and called her mum.

*on the phone*

"Hey mum."

"Hey Phebs."

"Guess what, guess what, guess what."



"Really how?"

"A guy in my grade won them and no one in his family wanted to go so he was giving them away and he gave them to me."

"How much do we owe him?"


"Really and who do you want to take with you?"

"Grandad of course, who else?"

"Ok you can call him tonight what he has finished work."

"Ok bye."


*Beep beep beep*

*end of phone call*


Hey guys this is a short chapter but holidays are coming up soon and I will be writing heaps more. I can't write all next week because I'm at a school camp *yay not* so I promise you guys that I will publish more

Ship name a friend told me one Pash keep coming up with them they are great

Tell me what you want to happen cause I'm running out of ideas and if you want a long book I will need your help.

Love you guys

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