Chapter 8

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That afternoon she was released from the hospital with all her scans coming through clear. She was happy to be back at school but everyone was quite and still coping with the death of Jazmine.

The next day a letter came in the mail from Jazmines mum. It was an invitation to Jazmines funeral. When she opened it and saw a photo of Jazmine she started crying and ran inside. She went into her room and when she thought she was a lone there was a tapping at her window. She looked up to see Levi standing in the rain holding signs. The sign read 'are you free this weekend?' She wrote on a peace of paper 'sorry no I have to go to this' and held up the funeral invitation. He read it and looked at what she was holding up and frowned. He asked if she could hear through the glass and she answered with a simple nod. He simply pulled out a guitar and started playing a song. She didn't quite know what song it was until he started singing. HE WAS SINGING I WONT GIVE UP BY JASON MRAZ! She was so happy. When the song finished she noticed that she was crying.

"I love you." He said.

"I love you too!"

Suddenly her mum walked in

"Oh, ok well this is interesting." Jenna said.

Levi just smiled. "Hi Mrs Smith nice to see you."

Phoebe just face palmed and shook her head.

"Hi Levi nice to see you to." She said and walked out.

"Well I'm gonna go see you later."

"Bye see you tomorrow."

He walked way and she could t help but smile.


"Are you ready?" Asked her mum.


"We can't be late you have to make a speech."

"Done!" Phoebe yelled as she ran down the stairs. She jumped in the car and off they went. As they arrived she ran into Mrs Couper.

"Hi darling you are sitting up there and it says when you have to read."

"Thank you, how are you?"

"Fine darling off you go."

She walked off and read when she was going up. "Phoebe Smith and Savannah Jenkins" right after the song.

As she walked up she got worried.

"Good afternoon everyone and thank you for the support over the last few days it has really helped the family and friends of the Couper family. It has come as a shock to everyone who knew her because she had more common sense than this and I can't shake the feeling that it was partially my fault for having a fight with her minutes before she went missing. It pains me to think this but it is true. I myself was in hospital when I got the call from Mrs Couper with the devastating news. This shouldn't have happened to anyone yet alone Jazmine. These sorts of things happen in threes and I'm the one with all the trouble so it puts even more blame on me because if I wasn't having this bad luck then my best friend wouldn't be dead right now. At this very instant me best friend is lying, cold and dead in a coffin beside me. I never thought I would be doing this until I was at least 40 but no god has chosen to take two of the most important people in my life away from me in less than a month. One of these people unfortunately had to be Jazmine and for people who didn't know her that well I will describe her for you. Funny, bright, fightsty, loveable, beautiful, amazing, brilliant, smart, witty, amazing with quick comebacks, great at jokes but most of all she was like a sister for me, she most of my deepest darkest secrets and now I know that they are safe with her I always knew they were. I have been thinking to myself lately, why and how. Why because I want to know why god chose to take her away from everyone she loved and how because I need to know how come she was taken so early in her life she hardly got to life her life and I know she had dreams to become a vet because most people know that she absolutely love animals and all she wanted to do was care for them. She would never deliberately give up her eon life so why did it had to end on that very sudden Wednesday. Thank you. And she walked down the stairs as Savannah walked up already crying. Savannahs speech went for about the same time as hers did and by that time people had gone through at least two boxes of tissues some people more. The was no stopping the tears. When the ceremony had concluded people came up to the girls and hugged them and told them what a great job they did. Mrs Couper walked over and talked with them for a bit.

"Hi girls you did a fabulous job and I don't think anyone could have said it as well as you to did."

"Thank you Mrs but aren't you all alone now I mean you dont have a husband and you just lost your only daughter." There was a long pause. "Sorry I shouldn't have said that that was wrong of me." Said Savannah.

"No darling it's fine I mean I hadn't thought about that yet so thank you for saying it other wise it wouldn't have bothered me but now you have said it I need to think about relocating."

She was about to walk away when she turned around and looked at them. "Come around later and see if there is anything of Jazmines you want."

"Ok thank you." They said in unison.

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