Chapter 22

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"Skylar Astin is that you." Phoebe asked trying not to bring attention to the possibly famous person she saw in the supermarket.
"Yes....yes I am." He answered turning around to greet the fan.
"Oh my gosh." Phoebe said in amazement.
"Why aren't you screaming, usually all fans I meet scream and go crazy on me."
"Well for starters I don't like screaming or making people feel uncomfortable."
"Hey Phoebe what flavour ice cream do you wa....." Aria asked coming around the corner but stoping as soon as she saw Skylar. "Phoebe please tell me I'm not dreaming and that your actually talking to Skylar Astin, I mean he is famous."
"Yes Aria I am talking to Skylar Astin and yes he is from pitch perfect."
"Wow." Aria said blankly.
"Are you guys big fans of the movie?"
"Mega fans." Phoebe answered
"We were going to watch it tonight while having a fat Amy night." Aria added.
"A fat Amy night what is that."
"We watch movies, eat loads of junk food and quote pitch perfect, mainly fat Amy." Aria explained.
"Oh ok, what's you favourite Jesse quote?"
"Your one of those accapella girls and I'm one of those accapella boys and we're gonna have acca children it's inevitable." The girls said in unison.
"Ok that is awesome." Skylar said amazed. "Do you want anything signed?"
"Of course." Aria said her voice full of excitement.
"Can you sign this bag." Phoebe asked happily.
"Of course, it looks like it's be signed before."
"Yer my favourite band The Kin signed it when I met them."
"There perfect."
"Can you sign this please?" Aria held out a poster of Skylar.
"Ok that's kind weird that you had that."
"Well I just bought it today." Aria said embarressed.
"Ok there you go."
"Thank you so much, this bag is now worth hundreds and I'm gonna keep it forever." Phoebe said happily.
"Yer this poster is officially amazing."
"It's ok girls, do you have twitter or Instagram even snapchat cause I will add you guys."
"Yer we do." Aria said happily.
"Well here are my account names and add me and tell me how your fat Amy night is going."
"Sure thing." Phoebe said amazed at what had just happened.

"He added me on all three." Phoebe yelled.
"Me too." Aria agreed.
"OMG he's replying to my snapchat."
"He sent me a selfie."
"Same OMG we are so lucky."
"I know I can't wait to tell our group."
"Yer same but we won't tell them his snapchat that's for us to know and them to find out."
"Yer they are going to be so jealous."
Yer I know."
"Well let's watch pitch perfect and eat food."
"Let's begin a long funny night."

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