Chapter 18

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Phoebe walked across the room as she was getting very nervous.

"Phebs calm down." Said Aria.

"Can't it's our first date, I mean what if I stuff it up like he could break up with me because of this date."

"He is NOT going to break up with you over a silly little date. Look the boys will be here soon and I will be with you ok."


"Girls the boys are here to pick you up." Yelled Phoebes aunt. (Yes Phoebe is loving with her aunt. Her aunt moved into phoebes house with her because her dad left when she was young.)

"Be right down."

Breath breath breath she had to remind herself while looking in the mirror.

"Let's go." She said ready.


They walked down the stairs holding their dresses up so they didn't trip over the stairs. They saw the boys with their jaws just hanging open.

"Close you mouths boys you will catch flies." Said Aria.

They closed they mouths as quick as they could but their eyes said it all. They were in awe.

"Wow." Said Ashton.

"Yer what he said." Gordie quickly added.

"So where to boys?" Asked Aria.

"The movies." Answered Ashton.

"Great what movie." Asked Aria again.

"Winters shadow." Said Gordie.

"YAY OMG OMG!" Screamed Phoebe.

They all just looked at her weirdly.

"I love the books what can I say."

They all just laughed.


They walked into the cinema and took their seats. The boys went back out to get the food and drinks while Aria left to go to the bathroom. Phoebe was left alone while waiting for them to come back. She noticed a couple of rows up was Conor and May. She tried to hide her face but it was to late. Conor turned to May and whispered to her. She nodded as he got up and walked in Phoebe direction. As he got close to her he started to smile.

"Hey." He whispered into her ear.

"Go away." She said a nicely as she could but she didn't want him crashing her date.

"No because in know that you know I love you and secretly you love me too."

"Oh hell no mister."

He climbed over her so that he was sitting on top of her with his legs on either side so she could run.

"Get off me now before I start screaming." She said trying to sound as demanding as she could.

"Now I'm going to give you one more chance, break up with Ashton and go out with me."

"No because I love Ashton and hate you right now."

Just as she said that Aria walked in.

"Hey get off her now."

He just simply ignored her.

"Ten seconds and counting." He whispered to Phoebe.

"I SAID GET OFF HER!" Screamed Aria.

Just as Aria screamed Ashton walked in the other door that was next the Isle Phoebe was on.

"HEY get of my girlfriend." Ashton yelled while starting to run at him. When he reached the seats he out the drinks, popcorn, lollies and choc tops down.

For Phoebe this all happened in slow motion. Ashton rises his fist and was ready to punch Conor. Ashton made contact with his cheek and knocked him into the back of the seats in front of Phoebe. May ran up the isle to Conor to help him up. Conor laid on the carpet and stared at Ashton them at Phoebe then back at Ashton. He slowly got up and walked back to his seat.

"Hey babe you alright move over so I can block him from you." Ashton told Phoebe.

"I'm a little shocked." She said moving over two seats so they were away from the isle and so Ashton could sit next yo her.

Just as she sat down the lights started to go dim.

"Don't worry the next part of the date will be better." Whispered Ashton.

"Next part what next part?" She asked shocked.

"It's a surprise."

"Surprise ok then."

They sat quiet when the movie started. Ashton snuggled up to her and she placed her head on his chest. When the movie got a bit scary she would snuggle up to him more and he would hug her tighter. When the movie finished they waited till Conor and May had walked out until they left the cinema. They all stood up and walked out onto the street when Conor decided to make another attack.

"Let's settle this like real men now." He yelled at Ashton.

He started throwing punches at Ashton. Ashton was able to block them quickly. Conor stopped and stepped back.

"How do you do that?" Conor questioned.

"Tai Kwan do." He answered.

Conor quickly ran at Ashton. He tried to punch him again but Ashton quickly blocked it and told the others got go around the corner. When Conor ran at him again her kneed him in the balls and ran around to the corner.

"Ok guys to the next part." Ashton nodded at Gordie.

They both blindfolded the girls. They guided the to the next venue. When they removed the blindfolds they were at ridges down near town green. They had their own little veranda that backed out onto the grass and just over the grass was the water. They could see a perfect sunset. The girls now understood why the boys had asked them to dress nicely. The girls were stunned when they saw the meals come out for them.


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I have decided to publish early my new book is now published so go read it now. It's called 'best friends should never leave.'

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